Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Review
I have to admit I didn't buy this game because i have a 360, instead of a ps3 and that I wish they had a 360 version (Really really wish) but i played the demo and it was one of those games where you just want to buy a ps3 just for this game alone! The graphics were phenomonal like drakes face and facial expressions and the buildings in wreckage. The gameplay was easy to learn and soon you would be doing crazy stuff like jumping of a sign onto a light post. The cover system was good comparing to the gears of war games cover system. (I would say sieris but i always spell it wrong) It was a little hard but whenever you were running around like a fool drake would always say something to give you a hint. The enemies are smart and won't just sit around while you pick them off. They also are hard to kill which is a pro and con. Overall I would recommend this game to anyone with a ps3!
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Feature
- New functionality including the ability to remain with your friends while matchmaking; map customization and the pooling funds gathered in different modes for use in unlocking content and upgrades.
- An game world layout that allows players to take an aggressive or new stealth approach to combat.
- Free-flowing "traversal gunplay" that adds a unique vertical element to standard 3rd-person shooting mechanics.
- Award-winning cinematic storytelling, incorporating new and familiar characters, as well as all new and varied play environments.
- A wide array of gameplay modes including a robust single player campaign and a franchise first online multiplayer modes including competitive and cooperative play options.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Overview
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Specifications
Follow-up game to 2007's critically acclaimed Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, the PlayStation 3 exclusive Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is a continuation of the adventures of Nathan Drake, a fortune-hunter with a shady reputation and an even shadier past. Chock full of all the action, adventure, cinematic story elements and beautiful graphics that set the first game apart, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves adds deep online multiplayer options, including co-op and competitive campaigns, and a whole new supporting cast of characters, making it yet another must-have title for the PlayStation 3 platform.
In Uncharted 2: Amongst Thieves fortune hunter Nathan Drake embarks on a journey that will push him to his physical, emotional and intellectual limits to discover the real truth behind the lost fleet of Marco Polo and the legendary Himalayan valley of Shambhala, more commonly known in the west as Shangri-La. In 1292 Marco Polo departed the court of Kublai Khan in China with 14 ships filled with over 600 passengers and crew. Eighteen months later only one ship remained and 18 passengers survived. Marco Polo never revealed what happened to these lost ships. Embarking on a quest to find the lost fleet, fortune hunter Nathan Drake soon realizes Marco Polo was hiding a much bigger secret - he had gone on a secret expedition to find the mythical kingdom of Shambhala and to recover the legendary Cintamani Stone, the "Wish-fulfilling jewel" of Buddhist mythology. With this new information Drake settles on a new course, following Marco Polo's trail through a diverse range of exotic environments. This quest also pits him against a new, more formidable adversary - a ruthless, rogue paramilitary leader with a private army and a relentless ambition to recover the stone for himself. Gameplay Although gameplay in Among Thieves is similar to that of the previous game, there are several major differences. The most important of these is the addition of several online multiplayer options. Unfortunately, no offline multiplayer could be included in the game due to the impact local split-screening has on the game's graphical quality. Thankfully though, the online modes included cover both co-op and competitive play. See the feature list below for details on these. In addition to play modes players can also expect a wealth of new gameplay features including a new stealth gameplay mechanic and altered climbing mechanic--both of which are extended to the AI of enemies; the ability to create cover by flipping over certain found items; the use of riot shields for defense and offense; and a complete lack of loading screens. Key Game Features
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