MAG Review
Not only is this game hard, it is fun also. It has a sharp learning curve, and takes some time to get used to. For me, the process was fun. I am still not that great, but I have great fun. The game is huge, boasting 128 v 128 maps. I really like how the game handles the massive amount of people by basically separating some parts. For example, in the domination map style, there are 4 giant gates that need to be taken down eventually, and once done they open up 8 buildings that consists of 3-5 doors that can be entered. This method REALLY spreads everyone out and makes the game feel smaller. I really don't even notice the amount of players since the map is that big and accommodates the amount of people. There are other play modes as well, such as sabotage, that are 64 vs 64. Sabotage is fun as you either defend 2 zones or destroy those 2 zones. Also, after the 2 are destroyed, there is a third that everyone must rush to destroy. On that note, there are three factions that if I had to change anything, I would start with that. They are Valor, SVER, and Raven. SVER is highly biased as to weapon strength and armor, but is said to have really bad defense and bases. Raven has incredible defense and bases, but the weakest weapons. Valor is a balance of the two. I use Valor, and while I enjoy it, we get our you-know-what kicked by SVER time and time again during our defenses. In conclusion, I say go for the game. It's quite an experience. It is all online though, and you MUST be connected in order to play. While the game is really hard, and isn't perfect, I say its a good time. There's nothing like that feeling of you and 167 other people defending on a domination map for 30 min!
MAG Feature
- Customize your character as well as weaponry and pursue a wide variety of combat specialties from elite fighter to a general of an army.
- Massive First-Person Shooter action that for the first time ever allows for up to 256 real players online in a persistent game world.
- Advanced command structure that allows you to use your advanced skills and experience points to take charge of your PMC's forces, becoming a squad, platoon or even army commander.
- A robust and flexible leveling system awarding experience points for both mission-critical and non mission-critical actions on the battlefield.
- Three distinct Private Military Corporations (PMCs) to choose from, each with their own history, personality and style.
MAG Overview
In the near future, governments are supposedly at peace. A shadow war, fought by private military corporations, emerges. You are dropped into this unprecedented war - the first to have battles of 256 real players on a global battlefield. Prove yourself alongside your 8-man squad and become an elite fighter or earn the right to lead a squad, platoon or ultimately an entire army of players. Your calling a waits.
MAG Specifications
MAG is a massively multiplayer online first-person shooter that is unique in a variety of ways. A PS3 exclusive, MAG allows up to 256 players aligned with different private military corporations (PMCs) to battle each other at the same time across a global battlefield. Within this persistent game world players engage in campaign and mission play that elevates their character from the ranks of a lowly grunt, all the way up through the intricate command structure of the in-game officer corp. Along the way players players experience in-depth character customization, a robust leveling system and large-scale MMO shooter gameplay that makes MAG a game not to be missed by fans of the shooter genre.
In the near future, governments are supposedly at peace, but a shadow war, fought by private military corporations, is raging. You, along with a myriad of comrades and enemies alike up to 256 in all are dropped into this unprecedented war. To start off you must prove yourself as a member of your 8-man squad, fighting for one of the PMCs. With enough experience you may even become an elite fighter or earn the right to lead a squad, platoon or ultimately an entire army of players. Can you, will you follow orders? Either way your destiny and those of 255 other fighters awaits on the battlefield of MAG. Gameplay In MAG players take on the role of a member of a private military corporation (PMC), in a fictional Earth future. Like most MMO games, as well as some modern shooters, the ultimate goal of action is the leveling up of your character, in this case through success in combat against other factions made up of individual online players. At the initial level players choose the PMC they will be aligned with, the physical characteristics of their character, initial available weaponry, etc. and hit the battlefield with other squad members within a persistent online environment. Along the way you will utilize a diverse skill tree to develop your character's abilities and skills at tactics and weapons using experience points that are accumulated in campaign and mission play in the name of your faction. These points are given out in various increments for all manner of action, whether that be objective completion, or individual actions in combat. Once characters reach a certain level they are eligible to take on command duties. These duties range from leading an eight-man squad, all the way to overall command of more than 100 online players. Orders are communicated and strategy developed via voice chat and other functionality. Success in command positions allows for access to special "leadership bonuses" that not only can improve your abilities, but also in many cases, that of the individuals and units under your command. So, how does one give orders to human individuals online? Just as you would to AI (artificial intelligence) characters. The beauty of MAG is that players are free to ignore orders issued by superiors at any time. Experience point totals, the nuts and bolts of character leveling, are higher for successes achieved through orders that follow the chain of command though. War, especially that featuring multiple factions, can be fought in many ways, and in MMO gameplay world of MAG it's up to you to decided the path you'll follow. Private Military Corporations (PMCs) Bound by the terms of the terms of the Millennium Accord, which prevents defense forces from crossing borders, nations with the MAG game world turn to the services of Private Military Corporations (PMCs) to secure interests abroad. The leading PMCs compete for contracts across the globe. Each of these maintains its own battlefield philosophy and approach to military operations. It's up to each player to choose his/her loyalty. Some of the factions players can expect to see include:
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