Last Rebellion Review

so i went out on the limb and decided to pick this game up. not knowing much about it, but it looked like a decent game and for 40 bucks i couldnt go wrong. so i went home popped the game and had a lot of fun. th combat system is nice. you play as two different people who use the same hp, mp, and cp gages. you cant switch back and forth when you running around because when you running around with one you hp gradually goes up and the other one the mp is going up. during the battle you get to attack with both of them. i dont want to tell you how they got there (maybe i spoiler but not a big one )but they share the same soul somehow and thats why you can swich between each one.(spoiler end) what i like about this game is figuring out what to attack on the enemies. each enemy has a bunch of different body parts at whitch you want to attack in a specific order. if you attack them in a specific order you can get a BINGO and even a COMBO. and as long as you stay in the same area it saves what body parts you got right so once you have one down there is not need to remember. if you leave an area and come back then you have to do it all over again. so try to remember the order but its not that hard to figure out either. i know it sounds complicated but the combat system is simple and fun. if you have doughts about this game atleast rent it. it doesnt look like this rpg gets what it deserves. thanks for readin.
Last Rebellion Feature
- An engaging story of revenge featuring a dark anti-hero and a world of conflict influenced by the powers of two diametrically opposed deities.
- A PlayStation 3 exclusive, featuring classic turn-based RPG action.
- Two main characters: Nine Asfel - the most powerful of Blades and Aisha Romandine - a beautiful but frighteningly powerful Sealer. Players can toggle between the two in combat, maximizing their impact on enemies.
- A tactical battle system utilizing the strengths of both characters and allowing for the tagging of enemies to ensure focused combat across multiple turns.
- Gorgeous watercolor-like character art and event scenes.
Last Rebellion Overview
Revenge of the Ninth Degree! After Nine is betrayed and killed by his brother, Nine wants nothing more than revenge for his own murder. To stay alive he is forced to share his body and soul with the female Aisha, a magical sealer who must help Nina become the heir and savior of his family. In Last Rebellion, Nine is a Blade, whose specialty is physical attacks, and Aisha is a Sealer, who casts magic spells. Because they share a single body, players must switch between the two during the battle and strategically choose which one attacks first.
Last Rebellion Specifications
Last Rebellion is a turn-based role-playing game (RPG) that blends stirring storytelling with an engaging and addictive battle system. A PlayStation 3 exclusive, it features two main characters, Nine and Aisha, who although they work together as a team in battle, can each be played separately. Features include a unique battle system that allows for tagging of enemies, ensuring focused and efficient attacks and turn flow, as well as gorgeous watercolor-like character art and event scenes. Story Junovald is a world governed by the power and the will of two gods: Meiktilia, who presides over the death of all life and destruction of all things; and Formival, who presides over the birth of all life and the creation of all things. Meiktilia has been said to bless two types of people with special gifts, Blades who have ultimate and supernatural skill needed to destroy the physical structure of things and Sealers who use magical abilities to destroy the metaphysical structure of things. Conversely, the god Formival's remarkable power allows all things, once dead, to revive. Under his influence the original souls of creatures facing death escape their bodies, which are in turn controlled by a fragment of Formival's soul. Imbued with a divine but malignant spark, these beings, known as Belzeds, become monsters, growing stronger if not checked. Only the destruction of their physical and metaphysical selves, requiring the power of both a Blade and a Sealer, can truly destroy them. Due to a protracted civil war, the Kingdom of Lorvin has become infested with Belzeds. Knowing the weakness of the Belzed's duality, the king of Lorvin, Arzelide, has summoned Nine Asfel, the most powerful of Blades and Aisha Romandine, a beautiful but frighteningly powerful Sealer, to make a final stand. But they must work together if Lorvin is to survive. Merge the destructive powers of the Blade and the Sealer in Last Rebellion. View larger. | Gameplay Last Rebellion is a single player, turn-based RPG. Centered around the elimination of the physical and metaphysical components that make up the Belzed threat, the game's battle system allows the player to control the team of Nine and Aisha, and in fact toggle between the two. A turn consists of actions by both characters. Because each has specific strengths, and specific enemies are more susceptible to attacks in certain orders, players decide which character of their duo strikes first. In dealing with enemies the player uses a combination of sword strokes and magic, with attacks being initiated and maintained across multiple turns using what is referred to as the "Attack and Stamp" method. As a specific body part(s) of an enemy(s) is engaged with sword strokes, symbols known as "Stamps" appear over that area. Initiating attacks on body parts uses chain points, which are provided in limited numbers to the player. Stamps serve as a homing beacon for further magic attacks, which can thereafter be unleashed on multiple stamped spots simultaneously. Each enemy type is susceptible to attacks made in certain orders. Chain points can be budgeted by memorization of these attack orders and the various weak spots of enemies. Bingo and combo points are rewarded for targeting weak spots in the right order, and doing so in consecutive attacks respectively. Once physically defeated magic points can be extracted from Belzed enemies, with players also building into their turn a sealing attack by Aisha to eliminate the Belzed's regeneration ability. If this is not done Belzeds will revive, stronger than ever. Key Game Features- A PlayStation 3 exclusive, featuring classic turn-based RPG action.
- Two main characters that players can toggle between in combat.
- Tactical battle system utilizing the strengths of both characters and allowing for the tagging of enemies for focused combat across multiple turns.
- A combination of dual wielding sword and magic combat.
- Gorgeous watercolor-like character art and event scenes.
- An engaging story of revenge featuring a dark anti-hero.
| Additional Screenshots:
 Sword and magic combat. View larger. |
|  A variety of Belzed enemies. View larger. |
|  A tag based battle system. View larger. |
| |  2 ability-specific characters. View larger. |
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jun 14, 2010 19:20:06
Review Feature Office 2010
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