
Monday, August 30, 2010


Sorcery Review

Sorcery Feature

  • Take on quests and adventure throughout the dangerous Faerie Kingdom; recovering kidnapped children taken into the realms below, recovering ancient lost knowledge, or embarking on quests for townsfolk
  • Cast extraordinary magic, brew enchanted elixirs, solve ingenious puzzles and combat the minions of darkness
  • Get closer to the action than ever before with the PlayStation Move motion controller that you wield as the apprentice's wand
  • Cast powerful spells, conjure storms, unleash walls of living fire, and transform into magical creatures; even combine your spells for even more power
  • Transform from a fledgling apprentice into a master wizard as you start from humble farm boy beginnings, with only a small arsenal of magic at your disposal to an unstoppable magic force

Sorcery Overview

The Nightmare Queen has broken an age-old contract with mankind. Now the evil of the Faerie Kingdom is crossing into the Land Above. As a sorcerer's apprentice, it is up to you to master the Magick of the Faerun and drive back the darkness. Using the PlayStation Move motion controller, Sorcery puts a wand in your hand, letting you perform spells and explore the Kingdom of Midnight. No two sorcerers are alike; every twist of the wrist and flourish of the wand adds to your personal style. Live the adventure as you hurl fireballs and conjure whirlwinds with the PlayStation Move.

Sorcery Specifications

Sorcery is a single player action role-playing game (RPG) for PlayStation 3 that utilizes Sony's PlayStation Move control system to create a dungeon crawling adventure like none before it. With the extreme motion controlled sensitivity of the PlayStation Move motion controller and PlayStation Eye camera peripheral accessory combination* players enter, interact with and explore a world where their growing expertise with spells and potions will be the difference between the salvation of the world and its domination. Features include a one-to-one relation between player movements to character actions, strategic spell use, transformative potions and additional support of the PlayStation Move navigation controller.

Sorcery game logo


The Nightmare Queen has broken an age-old contract with mankind. Now the evil of the Faerie Kingdom is crossing into the Land Above. As a sorcerer's apprentice, it is up to you to master the Magick of the Faerun and drive back the darkness. Using the PlayStation Move motion controller, Sorcery puts a wand in your hand, letting you perform spells and explore the Kingdom of Midnight. No two sorcerers are alike; every twist of the wrist and flourish of the wand adds to your personal style. Live the adventure as you hurl fireballs and conjure whirlwinds with the PlayStation Move.

Using the magic of your wand to face down a charging enemy in Sorcery
Use the PlayStation Move motion controller as a wand in an RPG adventure like no other. View larger.

PlayStation Move Motion Controller and PlayStation Eye

Equipped with a three axis gyroscope, a three axis accelerometer and terrestrial magnetic field sensor, the PlayStation Move motion controller registers the precise movements of the player, while the PlayStation Eye camera peripheral, aimed at the player and his/her controller, allows the PS3 system to translate this into usable 3D oriented data. This can then be used to accurately and nearly instantly recreate the player's physical movements in-game. The PlayStation Move motion controller also features the familiar PlayStation controller button orientation, for seamless play within the faerie realm of Sorcery from the very first use.


The third-person oriented Action RPG gameplay of Sorcery utilizes the PlayStation Move motion controller/PlayStation Eye camera peripheral, as well as supports the optional PlayStation Move navigational controller for ease of movement. The Move motion controller serves in-game as the player's wand. As players tackle the host of enemies, large and small, as well as spatial challenges throughout the game levels they will use their wand to access and apply spells and potions collected, earned or purchased in-game. Spells and potions are easily accessed through the Motion controller's traditional PlayStation button array, and are unleashed with a simple flick of the wrist. The sensitivity of the Move motion controller allows for both trajectory of the spell, as well intensity of impact. Spells range from blunt force, ice and fire based varieties, to those allowing for the explosive charging of areas, the creation of a whirlwind that will sweep up enemies and a mend spell that is used to repair destroyed areas. Spells can also be used in conjunction with each other to best particularly difficult enemies and situations. Balancing this ability are potions, which allow for temporary abilities and even physical transformation of the hero in order to reach areas otherwise inaccessible. Together these hardware and gameplay features create a one-to-one gameplay experience and total sense of immersion unlike anything RPG players have yet seen.

Key Game Features

  • RPG Action Like Never Before - Wield the power of a legendary sorcerer's wondrous magic wand as you cast extraordinary magic, brew enchanted elixirs, solve ingenious puzzles and combat the minions of darkness
  • Power in Your Hands - Use the PlayStation Move to cast powerful magic, conjure storms, create walls of living fire, freeze your enemies solid, transform into magical creatures and combine spells for endless possibilities
  • Transform From a Fledgling Apprentice into a Master Wizard - Start from humble farm boy beginnings, with only a small arsenal of magic at your disposal to a unstoppable magic force! Restore your ransacked tower and begin to build immense wealth for your treasure room
  • Journey into the Dark Faerie Realm - Take on quests and adventure throughout the dark and dangerous Faerie Kingdom
  • Additional Controller Support - In addition to the required PlayStation Move motion controller and PlayStation Eye camera peripheral, Sorcery also supports the PlayStation Move navigation controller, allowing for even more immersive gameplay

Additional Screenshots

Spells available via the PlayStation Move motion controller in Sorcery
Wield spells and potions.
View larger.
Using the PlayStation Move motion controller and a flame barrier spell to hold off enemies in Sorcery
Control direction & intensity.
View larger.
Combining the powers of the Frost Shard and Arcane Bolt spells to shatter enemies in Sorcery
Spell combining strategy.
View larger.
Using a potion to take the form of a rat and gain access to inaccessible areas in Sorcery
Special abilities via potions.
View larger.

*PlayStation Move motion controller and PlayStation Eye camera are sold separately and required for play.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 30, 2010 14:35:20

Review Feature Office 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Call of Duty in Real Life

The truth of Call of Duty 4 in real life. Watch HQ - - Copyright WKUK

Review Feature Office 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Prince of Persia:Part 59-Darkness To Light

Review Feature Office 2010

Wii Sports Resort - Wii Fencing Minigame Review

Like many fencers, I approach any mention of "fencing!" in a game or movie with trepidation. I'm mainly looking at how "they" are going to screw things up and totally misrepresent fencing as a sport.

One of the most featured games in pre-launch was the "fencing" game in Wii Sport Resort. I saw the videos from E3 and the promotional stuff and just had to try it. After my really bad experience with Clone Wars: Jedi Duals, the bar was set pretty low.

The Asian influence is apparent in the game. The Wii menu calls the game "swordfighting" and not "fencing". Score +1 (for not trying to call it something it's not.)

When you set up for the game, you're put on a circular platform above the water (think dimensions of a wrestling mat) and are equipped with your "sword", which resembles a kendo shinai, head guard, and chest guard.

The motions are simple. You hold the Wiimote vertically and swing it to swing your sword. Pulling the trigger (B button) activates blocks so you can move the wiimote to parry oncoming attacks from your opponent. Though the on screen tutorial suggests holding the wiimote with two hands (like you would do in kendo), I used one hand.  (Made it easier to emulate actual sabre fencing techniques than trying to remember any kendo.)

I wanted to see what you could do with the game, so instead of just swinging away and wailing on my opponent, I held back to see what the parry system would be like. The earlier opponents are like your U rated fencers - they wind up and you know exactly where they are going to strike. Parries are executed as traditional sabre guards - 3, 4, and 5 will do just fine.

When you make a successful block, the attacker is "stunned" for a second which gives you the time to make your riposte. As you make successful hits to your opponent, they are driven back until they fall off of the mat, to fall American Gladiators style into the pool below.

My kids (4 and 6) enjoy just having another version of "lightsabre fighting" and wail away at their opponents. I'm enjoying setting up parry-riposte combos and testing out various tactics. (By the way, you can thrust and hit in this game.)

The lack of footwork control is a drawback, but it really does simplify the gameplay. (I would prefer some sort of way to dodge or get out of distance similar to Punch Out.)

Fun Games Unlocked after Duals

The other sword fighting games are a cutting challenge and then "running the gauntlet". Do the cutting challenge once to unlock the 3rd game, where you are the typical kung-fu hero fighting through the horde of bad guys until you reach the "big boss" (who really isn't that great either).

I've only played that game once, but it was a lot of fun having my Mii run across a rope bridge cutting through 20 opponents in just a few seconds!

Review Feature Office 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sinister Forces - A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft -Book III - The Manson Secret

In my first review of Peter Levendas Sinister Forces series, I imagined Mr. Levendas appearance to be something like that of Bela Lugosi, with a goatee. This of course led me to a search, and the only picture I could find of Mr. Levenda on the internet was from a gathering of authors and publishers in Coconut Grove Florida, and he DOES look something like Bela Lugosi, though larger, and with glasses; and He DOES have a goatee! Or he did, at least, in the picture I am referring to. It was as if I had intuited something about this author, and though I found this revelation somewhat odd, I did not give it too much energy.

Not then, at least.

It was also during that first book that I found myself occasionally thinking in some cases that certain informations within seemed somehow...incomplete...only to find the information which explained these situations in the next book of the series, haunting me if you will, with not precognition, but answers to precognition...many times these answers contained EXACT wording and phrases as I had noted them in passing, or mentioned them in terms during my writing about the book! I stopped this critiquing during book III, and just satisfied myself that all was being made known. Truthfully, I was somewhat relieved that there are only three books in this series, if for no other reason than I do not know how much of this I could stand! It was more than coincidence. Much more. If you get the books, you will certainly see for yourself, and I do recommend them highly, however disconcerting some of the content may be.

Hard core readers are usually a little jaded, at least, and always looking for new experiences among the symbols. George Carlin once described our type as being Symbol Minded, and I guess thats as good a description as any. I assure you that the Sinister Forces books, by Peter Levenda, will assist you in your quest toward new, unique symbology, and most likely well beyond any expectations you may have.

Yes, many odd experiences and coincidences occurred during my reading of these 3 books by Peter Levenda. The only thing that came close was over ten years ago, after reading a book by Philip K. Dick, called Valis, and though I was astounded at that time by coincidences piled one upon another, that was nothing compared to the seemingly prescient ultra-sensitivity these books by Levenda created within my psyche. Many is the time during the reading of the series that I found myself in deep contemplation for many minutes, putting pictures together, from my past, and, perhaps, my future as well. I was becoming immersed in a flow that I had hitherto ill-perceived, and it is an instructional ride, oh yeahhhhhhh.

This is not too surprising really, considering that coincidence and its related institutions play a large part, perhaps even a Super-Conscious part, in this three book series which shows, among many other things, and in many startling and evocative ways, that there really is no such thing as coincidence, just a very intricate but meaningful weave and weft APPEARING to us as coincidence, but which is actual reality, and it is ALIVE. Boo.

Within this living thing are we, the id entitys, individual identities, and though infantile and dangerous for the most part, we influence the whole, as any part of any thing does. A vast majority of the time our influence in the All is en passant, without will or meaning. Even within this higgledy-piggledy massively ignorant state of existence which we physical beings inhabit, there are some who have taken it upon themselves to learn their place within the body of reality, and to thereby influence it, in what can only be called a conscious manner, however malign or evil some of these people may be.

Think -- Instruments Of Torture -- think Idolatry of instruments of torture. Sometimes the greatest evil is that which occurs all unbeknownst, disguised as goodness and love, within and by large groups of well meaning, but very ignorant people. That is my opinion at least, and it is based on long term observation, for what its worth. While delving into the books dealing with sinister forces I was rather astounded at certain of the revelations concerning the outwardly holy, who were, via scrutiny, revealed to be demons par excellence, whose god, if they have one, is nothing more than conflict, torture, hate and human suffering. We all know these people. Many are in government today. Many preach their ideology weekly, on TV, or in churches around the world.

In Book III of Sinister Forces a good case is made for positive influences, good people, to learn and develop control of our psychic lives in order to actually combat, or perhaps balance out the powers who would use reality to further their personal agendas, which seem comprised of what can only be called bad things. We must learn, and try hard, to overcome the employers of Sinister forces, or we are doomed to the world as it is right now, and is that not a sorry state, after all?

I think we should all learn to pray, instead of what the evil ones teach and do, and that is prey.

Also in my review of book one, I felt that Mr. Levenda must be, by nature, a very serious type of person, and though I found this to be fairly true throughout my further readings of this authors work, I was also pleasantly surprised to see that Peter Levenda possesses a wry and well developed wit, which is all the more powerful because of the subject matter at hand, and because of the artful way in which he purveys it. More than a few times I found myself laughing hard about something anomalous; anomalous in the sense it was dealing with death and destruction, but was described in such a way that humor was the inevitable result. There is no escape from these lovely surprises dear reader, and because these humorous incidents are timed perfectly and seemingly innocent, they can only be called comic relief of the highest sort. Several examples come quickly to mind, and I will not delve too deeply into this aspect of Mr. Levendas art, though his reference to Richard Nixon as one of histories great dirty jokes was one certainly memorable humor within.

Mr. Levendas coverage and interpretation of Quantum States as applied to human consciousness, and the body of reality, within which are we, the parts, was very valuable to me, and I am sure most readers will find this distillation by the author extremely agreeable, as opposed to the actual physics, which are daunting to say the least.

Mr. Levenda is intrigued by the work of two well known quantum physicists: Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff, whose work -- Orchestrated Reduction of Quantum Coherence in Brain Microtubules: a Model For Consciousness, has been hailed as a new way to describe how thinking and perception really work, especially in relation to our view of reality. As one might expect, the US military has had great interest in all this, and employed these two scientists as consultants and representatives during a series of meetings sponsored by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). It is part and parcel of the militaries continuing though covert interest in remote viewing, psychic spying, and other spooooky types of behavior. Below are a few excerpts of the Penrose/Hameroff work from book III of the Sinister Forces Series:

...Another feature of quantum systems is quantum inseparability, or non-locality, which implies that all quantum objects which have ever interacted are in some sense still connected! When two quantum systems have interacted, their wave functions become phase entangled, so that when one systems wave function is collapsed, the other systems wave function, no matter how far away, instantly collapses as well. This non-local connection (Phase Entanglement), is independent of distance and implies that the quantum entities, by sharing a wave function, are indivisible... (Ansibel-ed.)

And another tidbit from Book III of the Sinister Forces Series:

...The problem is the transition....why and how do microscopic superposed states become classical and definite in the macro-world? This problem is called quantum state reduction, or collapse of the wave function, and it may be the key to both consciousness and reality...The wave function collapse is non-reversible in time, and it is the successive collapse of wave functions at the micro-tubule level that gives rise, in effect, to the passage of time (its seeming unidirectional nature: past-present-future) and thus to consciousness itself. This seems to solve the conundrum posed by Penrose in 1994 that the laws of physics are the same whether time flows forward or backward, and that the sensation of time going in one direction only is therefore a function of consciousness, since there are no physical laws to account for it...

The application of Quantum Mechanics to human reality is even more confusing considering it takes other sciences such as neurobiology, along with QM, to fully explain things we take for granted, like seeing, perceiving, memory, thought. It must be stated that there is no theory of physics that describes reality as well as the Quantum explanations, and though they are inexplicable to many, the multiverse is real, and you are a part of them! So lets get busy!

Overall, these three books in the Sinister Forces series deal with the United States Governments never-ending and no-holds-barred quest for mind control of its citizens, along with nazi involvement in that quest, and others, such as the catholic church, black magicians everywhere, and the intelligence apparat, as general as that term is. One begins to see, beyond doubt, after reading these books, that history can many times be considered a painting, where some brush strokes are bold and colorful, while others are muted and slight, though all a part of the whole, which in itself is a creation more than anything else. A contrivance.

The work of Mr. Peter Levenda is extremely well researched, and cannot be slighted in any way. There is no way that even the most informed reader on these subjects can come away empty handed from this literal smorgasbord of facts about the US governments continuing and frenzied involvement in the occult, the ramifications of this involvement to the citizens of the USA alongwith the world at large, as well as overall reality and our places in it. Do yourself a service, if you are inquisitive in the least: Get the three books of the Sinister Forces series by Peter Levenda, and see for yourself just where you are right now.

Published By:


Post Office Box 577

Walterville OR 97489


Review Feature Office 2010

Red Dead Redemption: Unicorn Easter Egg

Geoff and Jack are going to hell for this video. In it, they show how to find the elusive Red Dead Redemption "Unicorn", as well as another, even rarer majestic creature.

Review Feature Office 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Effective Muay Thai AKA Thai Boxing Training 101

Image :

Muay Thai is one of the deadliest Martial Arts style also known as The Art of the 9 Limbs.

For the able Muay Thai training program, in adjustment to get acceptable result, the training should be done on every added day basis.

The training affair should not be organized every day because it will over use the physique and beat its potential.

Training on alternating day base will as well advice to balance physique beef of boxers to accomplish abiding that they are accessible as able-bodied as has beneath adventitious to get astringent injuries for the next training session.

Muay Thai training schedule


05.00 Active for 5 Kilometers

05.40 Short active for 50, 80, 100 metes 5-10 rounds

06.00 Basal exercise such as dumbbell, barbells, braiding jumping

06.20 Perform shadow-boxing

06.25 Briefed by trainer for new technique

06.30 Abundant bag training (up to 5 rounds)

08.00 Basal exercise after equipment

08.10 Oil massage

08.15 Swimming

08.25 Brief by trainers about the training and get advancement for improvements


15.30 Active for 3 Kilometers, braiding jumping and basal exercise after equipment

16.00 Shadow battle for 3 rounds

16.20 Briefed by trainer for new technique

16.30 Sparring 3 rounds

16.50 Clinch plan 3 rounds

17.00 Soft abundant bag training

17.20 Cool down basal exercise

17.40 Swimming

17.50 Brief by trainers about the training and get advancement for improvements

These are alone ample guideline of accepted Muay Thai training. Camps may acclimatize their programme to fit alone boxer.

Review Feature Office 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

PGA TOUR Today: Saturday Presidents Cup recap

Win McMurry updates action from day three of the 2009 Presidents Cup and previews what to watch for on the final day. For complete coverage, visit PGATOUR.COM

Review Feature Office 2010

God of War III HD playthrough pt31

This is footage of my playthrough of God of War III, the final game in the God of War series.

Review Feature Office 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter IV Review

A heavyweight! A sure winner! 5 out of 5 stars it will leave you stunned and wanting for more... *The Best!* This takes Martial Arts to a real Fine Art!

Street fighter IV, the jam packed arcade fighting handsome game title from Capcom is mean! It's both a gorgeous display of muscle-bound animation and seriously fun gameplay. *I just love the muscles!* This ultimately translates to goodness when you see it come to life (even when simply setting up a battle of CPU vs. CPU; if you simply want to be introduced to the characters' various fighting techniques ie, plain tired or if you are a complete newbie).

Of course playing with your choice character and there are 16 pre-given ones, whether against a CPU opponent or an actual player (beside you or via network) is the "heart of the game". It's an understated value that you can set the difficulty level to "Easiest" when you have no clue what this title is all about and you bought it solely for its gorgeous anime appeal! Enough said. Anyone who's curious to find out what the hullabaloo about playing on a console is should have this title! (Capcom, how much you giving me for this?)

I've probably seen this game before but when I see it now, I can't believe how utterly perfect it has evolved to be! So vibrant in both rendering and actual'd swear something Japanese like "Shoryuken!...and the world is fine.) So is hand-to-hand combat! Perfect!

My PSN ID: adorinar. Come play!

Street Fighter IV Feature

  • 3D environments and characters. Traditional 2D Street Fighter six-button gameplay. Amazing locations never seen before in a Street Fighter game.
  • Classic Street Fighter characters re-imagined for a new generation of gamers, including the original cast of Street Fighter II.
  • New brawlers: female super-spy Crimson Viper, lucha libre wrestler El Fuerte, mixed martial artist Abel and more!
  • New special moves that go beyond any Street Fighter fan¿s wildest imagination, including Focus Attacks, Super Combos, and the revenge-fueled Ultra Combo system.
  • New gameplay elements provide challenges for both newcomers as well as the most seasoned Street Fighter pro.

Street Fighter IV Overview

Street Fighter IV brings the legendary fighting series back to its roots by taking the beloved fighting moves and techniques of the original Street Fighter II, and infusing them with Capcom¿s latest advancements in next generation technology to create a truly extraordinary experience that will re-introduce the world to the time-honored art of virtual martial arts. Everything that made the legendary Street Fighter II a hit in the arcades, living rooms and dormitories across the globe has been brought back in Street Fighter IV. Players will be able to play their favorite classic characters, such as Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li and Guile, along with new characters, including Crimson Viper, Abel, El Fuerte, and Rufus. Characters and environments are rendered in stylized 3D, while the game is played in the classic Street Fighter 2D perspective with additional 3D camera flourishes. Six-button controls for the game return, with a host of new special moves and features integrated into the gameplay system. Street Fighter IV brings a brand new fighting game to fans the world over.

Street Fighter IV Specifications

Street Fighter IV brings the legendary fighting series back to its roots by taking the beloved fighting moves and techniques of the original Street Fighter II, and infusing them with Capcom's latest advancements in next generation technology. The result is a truly extraordinary experience destined to reintroduce players, both familiar with the Street Fighter series and those coming to the game for the first time, to the time-honored art of virtual martial arts.

'Street Fighter IV' game logo
E. Honda and Dhalsim battling in 'Street Fighter IV'
The old rivalries continue.
View larger.
Gouken showing Ryu that he is still the master in 'Street Fighter IV'
Plenty of bosses to battle.
View larger.
Rose finishing off Ryu in 'Street Fighter IV'
New faces to reckon with.
View larger.
Camera angle change during Ultra Combo by Ryu in 'Street Fighter IV'
New Ultra Combo angles.
View larger.
What Was Old is New Again
Knowing a good thing when they see it, Capcom has gone to great lengths to ensure that everything that made the legendary Street Fighter II a hit in the arcades, living rooms and dormitories across the globe all those years ago has been brought back in Street Fighter IV, and this naturally starts with the characters. Fans of the franchise, as well as the fighting genre in general, will be happy to know that whether you prefer to stick with the superior abilities of top tier characters or explore the ins and outs of mid to lower level combatants, when it comes time to pick your fighter there is a wide array of choices. Also, not only will players be able to play as and against their favorite classic characters, such as Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Guile, Zangief, Blanka, Sagat, etc., they will also be able to take on new characters. Just a few of these include:

Abel from 'Street Fighter IV'Abel
This young French amnesiac comes from a mixed martial arts and mercenary background and is dedicated to chasing down the remnants of Shadaloo.
Crimson Viper from 'Street Fighter IV'Crimson Viper
This tough and beautiful agent assumes a businesslike demeanor, ignoring all emotion and obligation to her fellow man. She wears a high-tech suit filled with deadly gadgetry..
El Fuerte from 'Street Fighter IV'El Fuerte
This fighter divides his time between perfecting his Lucha Libre skills and his cooking abilities, yet surprisingly his indomitable spirit is a match for even the legendary Red Cyclone.
Rufus from 'Street Fighter IV'Rufus
This portly fighter has declared himself America's greatest fighter and uses his own brand of Kung Fu in his decidedly one-sided rivalry with Ken for top dog in the States.

In addition, characters and environments are rendered in stylized 3D, while the game is played in the classic Street Fighter 2D perspective with additional 3D camera flourishes. Six-button controls for the game return, with a host of new special moves and features integrated into the gameplay system. Street Fighter IV brings a brand new fighting game to fans the world over.

Key Game Features:

  • 3D environments and characters.
  • Traditional "2D" Street Fighter six-button gameplay.
  • Classic Street Fighter characters re-imagined for a new generation of gamers, including the original cast of Street Fighter II.
  • New brawlers: female super-spy Crimson Viper, lucha libre wrestler El Fuerte, mixed martial artist Abel and more.
  • New special moves that go beyond any Street Fighter fan's wildest imagination, including Focus Attacks, Super Combos, and the revenge-fueled Ultra Combo system.
  • Amazing locations never seen before in a Street Fighter game.
  • New gameplay elements provide challenges for both newcomers as well as the most seasoned Street Fighter pro.
New Combat Features: Focus Attacks and Ultra Combos
Although Street Fighter IV is designed to draw heavily from past game features in its franchise history, it does offer some stunning new gameplay options. The first of these are Focus Attacks. These moves allow players to absorb the energy from an attack and quickly counter with their own. Used properly, Focus Attacks allow for tremendous flexibility during combat and are the end result of efforts by the game's development team to evolve combat away from the rigid memorization of set combination patterns, giving players the freedom to be creative against opponents. The other new combat feature are new powered up moves called Ultra Combos. Like standard combos their purpose is to unleash maximum damage on an opponent, but unlike the combos of old, when performed correctly these long strings of punches, kicks and moves result in changes to the in-game camera angle and quick cinematics which illustrate the strength of your skills like never before. Taken together, these two new features herald Street Fighter IV as the new king of the fighter genre and a force to be reckoned with for years to come.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 23, 2010 13:25:29

Review Feature Office 2010

Knockout from UFC 116 ft. Brock Lesnar vs. Shane Carwin FULL FIGHT (UFC Undisputed 2010) Sports Click here to watch UFC Show Ep 10: Brock Lesnar V Shane Carwin & Ground Tips (UFC Undisputed 2010) Sports! Knockout from UFC 116 ft. Brock Lesnar vs. Shane Carwin FULL FIGHT (UFC Undisputed 2010) Sports Knockout from UFC 116, Brock Lesnar knocks out Shane Carwin FULL FIGHT. Director's Channels: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima http Inside Gaming Machinima Respawn Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: TAGS: yt:quality=high UFC MMA Brock Lesnar Shane Carwin 116 2010 Undisputed teamheadkick Yuke Osaka THQ PlayStation PS3 Xbox 360 Sports Mixed Martial Arts UPC 752919551752 silva akiyama lytle brown bonnar soszynski iceman chuck liddell rich franklin dana white mirko cro cop barry thiago kampmann rothwell yvel ultimate fighting championship fight machida shogun Rua Silva Quinton Rampage Jackson mma Octagon ortiz duffee kimbo slice Team Head Kick guvnor tapout THK main shaq penn full fight knockout ko

Review Feature Office 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The ultimate unboxing of God of War III - Ultimate Trilogy Edition

Included in this fantastic set, packaged in the Pandora's Box: -God of War III -game -God of War Collection (includes GoW 1 & 2) -3 soundtrack CD's (GoW 1, 2 & 3) -3 postcards -The Artwork of God of War III -book -Download voucher for more music and 4 character skins

Review Feature Office 2010

The Future of Madden - 11 Things Madden Must Change to Keep Gamers Happy

It's that time of the year again, so join us as we count down from eleven to one the top changes we want to see for Madden 11. For once, "online franchise" won't have to be on this list... oh how far we've come.

11 - Re-think Challenges - This is going to be a hotly debated topic, but challenges need to be gone from football games for good. Alright... maybe that's hitting it a little too hard, but developers and gamers alike need to at least start re-thinking the implementation of challenges. The purpose of challenges in the NFL and other football leagues is to make sure the refs get the call right, because as hard as they may try, they're certainly not machines. In Madden, however, our refs basically are machines, so why are we forcing error into the way the game is refereed?

The game knows what the proper call is at all times, so why should it ever get it wrong? Just for the jollies? Sure, there will be moments without challenges where you will badly notice how poor the call was and wish you had a red flag, but if the game is made in such a way that the correct calls are always made, then by their own engine it wouldn't of been overruled even with a challenge if that's what their decision was. Unless there is going to be some kind of A.I. implemented into refs themselves, where refs are actually active characters on the field that have their own vision and awareness numbers, then it makes no sense to arbitrarily make the wrong calls and waste everyone's time. At least make challenges a toggle option, please, or save challenges entirely until we have a full referee A.I. to make it realistic. We're buying Madden NFL, not Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Botched Call. Yeah, it's in the game... but peeing your pants is in the game, and we're not interested in seeing that either.

10 - Improved Casting - To be quite frank here, Madden NFL has had some of the worst sports casting for a few years now. It's not so much a problem with the names they select, as it is the style of the execution; too many vague global observations and obviously canned enthusiasm. Madden would do wise here to take a page from UFC 2009 Undisputed, which sets a new standard for sports game casting. Commentary in UFC 2009 sounds exciting and interested, while Madden 10 sounds like casters who were hired to read from a script for fifteen minutes.

Football is a very broad sport, with thousands of players and dozens of teams, so it's not quite the fair comparison to expect the quality of casting seen in more focused games. But honestly, would it be so hard to make comments shorter and string them together for unique combinations, instead of making us hear the same old long and drawn out critique? And why hasn't Madden made use of that ESPN license yet so we can listen to Mike and Mike live in the morning while playing Madden, or at least select from ESPN podcasts from that day? It puts the podcast on the Madden. You hear us Ian Cummings? It puts the podcast... on the Madden.

9 - No More Passing Beyond the Line - Here we have another fine example of EA thinking a little too much. In the NFL, players are penalized when they pass the ball beyond the line of scrimmage, so it only makes sense to allow players in Madden to pass beyond the line of scrimmage and get penalized, right? Actually, no, it doesn't make sense at all. The problem with passing beyond the line of scrimmage in Madden is that your passing controls are currently tied to your running controls.

If a player passes the line of scrimmage their running controls are supposed to take over, but with Madden 10 giving you the ability to pass beyond the line of scrimmage, sometimes those running controls become passing controls. How many times have you tried to slide after crossing the line, only to throw a pick-six to the X receiver? Or spin and get penalized for throwing a wobbler to the B receiver? It simply makes no sense. Either untie the rushing controls from the passing controls, or don't let players pass the ball once they cross the line of scrimmage. Yes, passing beyond the line is a part of the mistakes people should be able to make in football, but Peyton Manning has never accidentally thrown a pass 50 yards down the field while trying to slide to his rear.

8 - Online Tournaments - It seems as if every year players are asking for features that used to exist and then snatched away in a new edition of Madden. Online Tournaments used to be one of the best things about Madden; no, not just official sponsored tournaments which still exist to an extent, but tournaments you could create or join on the fly to amass tournament wins and challenge yourself. Now as it stands, tournament mode has become a forgotten legend right alongside the original Rushing Attack drill.

7 - Spectator Mode - Madden NFL is a bit like Animal Crossing (go with me here). In Animal Crossing: City Folk, a great deal of the fun comes from going to house-to-house and town-to-town just to see the types of styles you can find or tips you can pick up, and Madden is no different. The ability to see how other players play, what tricks they employ or even just watch a healthy match between two good players is a luxury that has long-since been forgotten in the Madden universe. Spectator modes make it easier for online businesses to stream live matches and for users to engage themselves in the sports gaming community; it's great for the tournament scene, great for the casual fan that wants to get better, and great for advertisers being fed through Madden's in-game ad system. There's little reason anymore to keep us in the dark. All we want is to be able to watch people play your product, or let our friends watch us!

6 - Quit Game Solution - The "Quit Game" problem has been an issue that has plagued Madden for a few years now. EA Sports doesn't want people to discover glitches to disconnect people from games and receive wins at an accelerated rate, so the way they balance this issue now is by forcing players to beat the CPU to receive their win if their opponent disconnects for any reason. Usually, however, all this does is result in online games being boring collections of computer battles and clock draining techniques to pass the time faster. What we need, is some kind of solution that works to both deter cheaters and also not punish players who don't want to quit... so why don't we come up with one?

Why don't we make it so you can't quit freely and take your win unless your account rating is sufficiently high? For Xbox Live, this might mean you must have a rating of at least four or five stars on your account. If players are glitching other players for quick wins, then their account rating would drop swiftly and the system would monitor itself. Additional parameters can also be set, such as allowing you to quit freely with a win if you are up at least three touchdowns at the time. While not a perfect method, this certainly would be a massive improvement over the current system.

5 - Avoid Sack - Part of being a skilled player is being able to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away and know when to run. Alright, so Kenny Rogers isn't exactly Aristotle, but the man has a good point that translates well to football. Players like Peyton Manning are craftsmen at the art of avoiding hits, and will often drop to the down quickly when all hope is lost in the pocket. Allowing players to drop down in an attempt to avoid the punishment (and potential fumbles) created by sacks would go a long way to improving Madden's slogan of "If it's in the game, it's in the game." Perhaps even make the drop-down ability limited to players of certain skills, to help encourage picking teams with less mobile, but high quality quarterbacks. Or maybe even a global system, where each player has an "avoid hit" rating in the pocket, and your chances of successfully dropping down when you attempt the maneuver increase based upon that rating; meaning players like David Garrard of the Jaguars would be less likely to avoid the sack when the correct button is pressed, while players like Peyton Manning would be more likely.

4 - Online Practice Mode - Practicing, or "labbing" is one of the most important prerequisites to becoming a quality player in Madden, but usually this means sitting alone in your room with two controllers, or at best fighting the play clock in an unranked game with a friend. With an online practice mode, players will be able to join up with a friend to test out different strategies and schemes, and even set up situations from within the practice such as "2 minute drive from own 30." Being able to work with friends on new tricks of the trade is an important part of strengthening the Madden community, and EA Sports would be wise to recognize the ease of implementation for this feature.

3 - Custom Packages - Every team is different in Madden, and because of that some players prefer certain substitutions in certain situations. Allowing for a select amount of formation packages in Madden would allow players to save time subbing the usual suspects in and out, and more time actually playing the game. Like to move your slot receiver to the outside when you're always in a certain formation? Prefer to have a heavy set by default when you come out in goal line? Want your best pass-catching RB in when you're playing four wide? Let players pick and choose how they want their default packages to look, just like any coach in football can do.

2 - Co-Op Online - While not the most pressing issue at the moment, the ability to allow players to play together in a true online co-op mode would add a truly fun experience to Madden NFL that goes beyond just a novelty. In many other games, co-op features are simply content fillers that provide no real value to the product. With Madden, however, being able to play online with your friends against others can provide for some really interesting games and conversations as players strategize their next move and plan their way up the leader board. A true co-op online feature would be an excellent addition to Madden that would synergize wonderfully with features like online practice mode.

1 - Scouting 2.0 - As was briefly discussed in a previous article, there needs to be a complete overhaul of how franchise mode treats the scouting process. The draft is the most important, and most beloved part of franchise mode by many players, but currently scouting potential prospects is underwhelming at best. With an overhauled scouting system based around actually watching "game film" (instant replays) of players, the user can decide himself what is good or bad based upon the performance on the tape, and as a result truly mimic the evaluation process that many die-hard draft fans crave for.

Hire scouting agencies to provide you with more film and send them out to record prospects and make your evaluations based on how the player actually jumps out at you on tape. Such a feature would revolutionize franchise mode in Madden, and if need be, it would almost be worth splitting Madden into two discs: Franchise and Online.

Review Feature Office 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

Valkyria Chronicles

Valkyria Chronicles Review

It's rare to find a strategy game on a console that just works. This is one of those games that just work. The gameplay is simple and intuitive yet challenging enough to keep the intensity going. The missions in-game are open enough you can play using your style of play, but provides enough difficulty in achieving A-ranks to challenge more hardcore gamers.

The story is somewhat simple. There's an overall story of the big guy picking on the little guy with two stories of romance underneath as well as the story of the underdog rising through the ranks. There are one or two twists which are easily expected if you're one to analyze a story. The two main themes which circle about the cast of characters (good and bad) you meet are loyalty and betrayal.

The game is filled with lore/information on just about everything. Each and every minor character has a backstory which unfolds in the game's character logs. Each location has a history and local lore surrounding it. The average gamer may not be interested, but for those interested in the world they play in, this game immerses you into a series of detailed logs on multiple aspects of the game's world.

The gameplay itself can be divided into three parts. The overall turn based "bird's eye view" gives you a commander's view of the field, but when you control an individual unit you enter the real-time third person shooter mode where the enemy will shoot back if you take your time in performing actions. However, the enemy stops firing when you go into the aiming mode, where you select your weapon/tool and aim the character at your target.

The 5 classes of shocktrooper (anti-infantry), scout (multi-role with high movement), lancers (anti-armor with heavy armor), engineers (support-role), and sniper (long-range anti-infantry) each have unique strategies and skills which the player can utilize (or not by never using them) on the field. Even more variety on the field is given through the attributes (personal talents) and potentials (class talents) which activate under certain conditions but may help or hinder you. A wide variety of scenarios also keeps things interesting at every turn of the game.

This is a must have for PS3 owners who want a solid strategy game and though there are shooter elements, this game cannot be labeled as a shooter. The graphics are top-notch for the style which mimics watercolor paintings. The story is engaging but simple where gameplay is complex but approachable by anyone. 4 out of 5.

Valkyria Chronicles Feature

  • CANVAS Graphics Engine, created exclusively for the Playstation 3, brings a never-before-seen style to life. Breathe life into stunningly unique visuals similar to hand-drawn illustrations, and immerse yourself in real-time battles in environments resembling a watercolor painting in motion
  • BLiTZ (Battle of Live Tactical Zone) System - Combining turn-based RPG gameplay with 3rd person action games, the BLiTZ battle system lets you battle with direct control in action sequences just as in action games, while also maneuvering through the vast world with strategic moves typical of tactical RPGs. The battle is turn-based between the Player Phase and the Enemy Phase
  • Epic storyline - the struggle for freedom, as the fate of the world lies in the hands of Welkin and members of the 7th platoon
  • Customization - Over 100 customizable characters let you create a variety of platoons to suit each battle's needs
  • Beautifully rendered battlefields - explore 30 different environments, using each terrain to gain advantage in battle

Valkyria Chronicles Overview

Valkyria Chronicles is set in a fictitious continent reminiscent of 1930s, Europe divided in two and ruled by the Empire and the Federation. The Empire has set its sights on invading a small neutral country called Gallia, which is situated in the middle of the two great empires. The game follows a hero named Welkin and his fellow soldiers of the Federation¿s 7th Platoon that are fighting against the Empire, who is intent on unifying the continent under its power. The Federation discovers that the Empire possesses a secret weapon, known as the ¿Valkyria¿- an ancient race with special powers thought to exist only in legends. With this new discovery, the fate of the Federation¿s ability to win the war and a hope for a better future hangs in the balance.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 20, 2010 21:45:11

Review Feature Office 2010

Classic Game Room HD - TIGER WOODS PGA TOUR 11 for PS3 review

LORD KARNAGE!!! Classic Game Room HD reviews TIGER WOODS PGA TOUR 11 for Playstation 3 PS3 (also available for Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii). Now with a boatload of content to download and the Ryder Cup, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 explodes off the PS3 with Lord Karnage sized action. This CGR review of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2011 has gameplay from Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 on PS3 showing hd video game golf action.

Review Feature Office 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Scourge Theme Deck

The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Scourge Theme Deck Review

In this pre-constructed deck, you receive 30 cards. Ive heard people complain about what was included and that there is dupes. Well, 1st of all, Each theme deck contains the Hero card of each elemental theme (which cant be found anywhere but theme decks), with the exception of the Biolith deck. The Biolith deck has the Biolith dragon, but Tino, son of Scion can be found in booster packs. In the Biolith Scourge deck you will not receive Tino the Hero, Instead you will get the Ouroubus Dragon. It is a very powerful card and it has some good abilities. In addition to the Biolith Dragon, you will recieve about 8 other Biolith creatures, and a few of the other element creatures. I know it might sound dumb to include other elements in a Biolith themed deck, but the deck tried to concentrate on Biolith creatures atleast. .99 isnt bad for this deck, and the Dragon cards alone sell for that amount or over. This deck can be used right out of the packaging with no modifications, and you can start playing with it against a friend or online.

The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Scourge Theme Deck Feature

  • Each Theme Deck includes a pre-set 30 Summoning Cards (spells and creatures) plus four Function Cards that allow you to put the controller away when you play. Mix and match with cards from Booster Packs to collect hundreds of creatures and spells.
  • The Eye of Judgment game can be played four ways:Analog the PS3; Solo against five levels of AI; Head-to-head with a friend; On-line globally through the PlayStation Network. But every way you play, you use your physical deck of cards.
  • Revolutionary Cyber Code enables the PlayStation Eye to transform each card into a 3-D creatures on screen.
  • Become the best EYE OF JUDGMENT player in the world today - check out your global ranking on PlayStation Network.
  • The Eye of Judgment software is exclusively for the PlayStation 3. (Sold separately.)

The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Scourge Theme Deck Overview

The Eye of Judgment Biolith Scourge Theme Deck brings a new battle to life with your imagination and the power and graphics of The PlayStation 3. Summon and command awesome mechanical Biolith creatures in your battle for magical supremacy. This pack contains a pre-constructed deck of 30 Summoning Cards for use with The Eye of Judgment game. Plus, get the Biolith Scourge Summoner's Companion: 32-pages containing tactical hints, card lists, images and stories from The Eye of Judgment. With this ready-made deck, you can compete solo against the AI on the PS3, head-to-head against friends, or challenge the global community of players on the PlayStation Network. Or, build your custom deck with cards only found in the Biolith Scourge to conquer the world.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 19, 2010 21:35:08

Review Feature Office 2010

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Gameplay - Combat Click here to watch the Forgotten Sands Launch Trailer Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Gameplay - Combat Enemies have surrounded you and there are no pillars to escape from. So what do you do? Kick their ass! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima Inside Gaming Machinima Respawn Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: TAGS: yt:quality=high Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands Ubisoft Playstation 3 PS3 XBx 360 Xbox360 Nintendo DS Wii PSP Portable Microsoft Windows UPC 008888175827 008888525820 008888345824

Review Feature Office 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Street Fighter 4 Prologues & Endings Final

This video features prologues & endings for the following characters.. Gouken,Akuma,Cammy,Fei-Long, Gen,Seth *Check out my videos for parts 1-3*

Review Feature Office 2010

Golf - Is it Really a Sport Or Just a Leisure Activity?

Some people consider golf to be just a leisure activity for rich folks. The perception of golf by most is that often country clubs are comprised of wealthy patrons and are by invitation only. However, nothing can be further from the truth golf is just as much a sport as football, baseball, and basketball. It can be played by anyone with the right set of equipment. Players only need to pay a small greens fee in order to be granted access to a course. This is required to maintain the course. Beginners to the game of golf need to learn how to improve the golf swing and how to overcome golf swing inertia so they can hit the ball properly.

A sport is defined as Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively. So let's consider this, Golf has an internationally recognized set of rules and of course there is thriving international competition with multi-million dollar purses going to the winners. Golf rules were first written down in Scotland when the first golf course was created. For many years, these rules have been molded and set so that it would be easy for players to discern what the correct behavior for the game. Over the years, these rules have changed and been added to until now, the PGA has determined a definitive set of rules for everyone. Not only is there rules, there is also a set of widely recognized etiquette for the game of golf. These include common courtesies such as quietness while playing, and keeping the course clean.

Competition is a major part of the game of golf. Each player is trying to outdo the others by getting a lower score on an 18-hole course. At almost every local course, there are tournaments for prize money. There are also national and international competitions. Even the schools have golf teams that compete against other schools. Some of the more acclaimed competitions are the PGA Tour, the PGA Masters, U. S. Open, British Open, Irish Open, Senior PGA Championship, and the PGA Cup. There are even golf competitions for women; this is called the LPGA.

Then there is the physical activity of swinging the golf clubs and walking the long courses, some of which can be over 5km long. The most obvious muscle group used during the golf swing is the upper arms and back. These muscles are used in the biomechanics of the golf swing. The most important group of muscles is the core muscles which are important in stance, swing, and release. The hamstring muscles are also very important to the posture and prevention of injury during the swing itself. Another major muscle group that is used is the forearms. These need to be toned in order to have a good grip and prevent wrist swinging. An 18-hole golf course is no simple walk either. Most courses can cover hills, especially if you are playing in a different country where the terrain is unfamiliar to you.

So is golf a sport? Absolutely. It is not just a leisure activity. Not only is there physical exertion, there is competition and rules that are followed everywhere. So the next time you head off to play a round of golf remember, not only are you having fun, but you are an athlete playing a fantastic sport.

Review Feature Office 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Assassin's Creed II

Assassin's Creed II Review

Assassin's Creed 2 is a unique and enjoyable video game that brings fluid and functional gameplay to an interesting time period in human history. If you are at all interested in it, you will not not be disappointed.

Pros +
+ Sharp and colorful visuals. The only noticeable slowdown I experienced was diving into water.
+ The character animation on Etzio is what steals the show. His climbing ability and fluid movements puts Nathan Drake from Uncharted 2 to shame. Everything looks natural and just plain awesome
+ Combat feels a little turn based as enemies wait their turn to be slaughtered but it is still very fun. All the various have their counter moves and actions, resulting in some very gory and cringe worthy kills
+ The soundtrack is phenomenal. It takes a back seat during most of the free roaming but comes in beautifully where appropriate

Cons -
- The only real negative I can think of is the actual combat. It can feel a little clunky and can be frustrating when there are about 10 enemies and Ezio's actions are designed for only a few.

In conclusion Assassin's Creed 2 is a great buy and won't leave you disappointed. Plus the story is sure to keep you interested.

Assassin's Creed II Feature

  • Explore the deadly, shadowed world of the assassin with new assassin Ezio
  • Roam freely through the lush and dangerous world of Renaissance-era Italy
  • Do whatever it takes to complete your missions in the game's all-new open world and mission structure
  • Thrive in an environment rich with power, revenge and conspiracy
  • Practice your assassin's art with all-new weapons and instruments created by Leonardo da Vinci

Assassin's Creed II Overview

The world of the assassin is one cloaked in shadow and steeped in danger. Ensnared in a web of revenge and conspiracy, the assassin embraces power at its most elemental, acting as the dividing line between life and death. As an assassin confronted by perilous new challenges and difficult choices, what path will you choose?


  • Explore the deadly, shadowed world of the assassin with new assassin Ezio
  • Roam freely through the lush and dangerous world of Renaissance-era Italy
  • Do whatever it takes to complete your missions in the game's all-new open world and mission structure
  • Thrive in an environment rich with power, revenge and conspiracy
  • Practice your assassin's art with all-new weapons and instruments created by Leonardo da Vinci

    Assassin's Creed II Specifications

    The world of the assassin is one cloaked in shadow and steeped in danger. Ensnared in a web of revenge and conspiracy, the assassin embraces power at its most elemental, acting as the dividing line between life and death. As an assassin confronted by perilous new challenges and difficult choices, what path will you choose?

    Stunning Graphics
    Stunning Graphics
    View larger.
    Roam Freely
    Roam Freely
    View larger.
    All New Weapons
    All New Weapons
    View larger.
    Assasin's Creed 2
    Assasin's Creed 2

    Get ready to plunge into the lush and deadly world of the Italian Renaissance, an era of arts, riches and murderous conspiracy. Assassin's Creed II introduces you to Ezio, a new assassin carrying on the deadly lineage of his forebears. Confront an epic tale of power and corruption as you hone your assassin's art, wielding weapons and instruments designed by the legendary Leonardo da Vinci himself in this gripping and deadly sequel.

    Key Game Features:

    • Explore the deadly, shadowed world of the assassin with new assassin Ezio
    • Roam freely through the lush and dangerous world of Renaissance-era Italy
    • Do whatever it takes to complete your missions in the game's all-new open world and mission structure
    • Thrive in an environment rich with power, revenge and conspiracy
    • Practice your assassin's art with all-new weapons and instruments created by Leonardo da Vinci

    Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 17, 2010 21:00:26

    Review Feature Office 2010

  • Blur - Music Is My Radar

    Blur - Music Is My Radar VIRGIN (P) 2000 The copyright in this audiovisual recording is owned by EMI Records Ltd

    Review Feature Office 2010

    Monday, August 16, 2010

    UFC 2010 Undisputed(Tutorial Gameplay)

    UFC 2010 Gameplay Video. All Rights Belong to Gamespot and Zuffa.

    Review Feature Office 2010

    Israel, Jews, Arab-Palestinians - Historical Facts! - UN's Open Double Standards

    Image :

    Contribution Jews/Israel to the World - 2nd to US in Techno-Medico-Developments:

    - Nobel Prizes, (although only 1/10th of 1% of World Population and only100th smallest country in the world): Medicine - 28%; Chemistry - 20%; Economics - 42%; Physics - 26%; Literature - 12%;
    - Medical Research: biological pacemaker; DNA nana-computer detects cancer cells - then releases combating drugs; stem-cell technology to regenerate heart tissue; pill-camera, tiny, examines small intestine; first full computerized diagnostic instrument for breast cancer detection; development of heart pump synchronization device; etc.
    - Pharmaceutical Research: treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, etc.;
    - Microsoft and Cisco companies - only R&D facilities outside the US - in Israel;
    - Microsoft-Windows operating system - Israel designed;
    - Pentium Microprocessor - Israel designed and produced;
    - Voice mail - developed in Israel;
    - Aircraft Security System - developed in Israel;
    - University degrees, highest % of workers, per capita;
    - Museums, zoos, orchestras, home computers - highest %, per capita;
    - Only country in the world - more trees at start of 21st Century than at the 20th;
    - All the above achieved in its 60 years of life while defending itself in four major wars resisting combined Arab armies, plus attacks by terrorists: PLO, Hamas and Hezbollah against Israeli civilians: buses, schools, malls, markets.

    History - Land of Palestine and Israel; Claims of Jews and Palestinians:

    - Jews, termed Israelites and Hebrews, the people of the Bible (Apiru, in ancient Egyptian artifacts), associated with the land for 3700 years;
    - The name Palestine derives from Philistine, a sea-going Aegean (non-Arab) people living on the Mediterranean coast in biblical times;
    - No Arabs live in the land until the 7th century - Muslim religion then established, followed by their invasion and conquest of Europe and Mid-East;
    - The entire area becomes part of Byzantine Empire, lasts four centuries; then taken over by Ottoman Empire (1553-1922) - no Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq or Palestine;
    - Relentless persecution by Christians of Jews in central and eastern Europe throughout recorded history;
    - Theodore Herzl, in 1897, reacting to French anti-Semitism and the Dreyfus Affair, establishes "Zionism" and the goal of a homeland as a refuge for persecuted Jews in the Holy land - called Palestine - although largely undeveloped, deserted and arid.
    - Waves of Jews begin emigrating to the land after pogroms in Russia and Poland (others go to America); with little individual wealth, communal developments are established (moshavim and kibbutzim), planting farms, groves, creating small businesses, establishing schools, clinics, an orchestra;
    - Records show that most of the land in the future Israel was bought from absentee Arab landlords;
    - As Jewish communities are developed, nomadic Bedouins/Druze/Arabs settle nearby for work opportunities;
    - As a result of Jewish persecution throughout the ages, with no homeland for refuge, the Balfour Declaration is affirmed in 1917 by conscience-stricken society - "The British government views with favor the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine."
    - British Mandate, 1922 - Britain and France divide the Middle East into mandates Great Britain overseeing Palestine, TransJordan and Iraq; the French, Syria (The US Ambassador, opts not to become involved).
    - Great Britain, however, in 1922, reneges on its promise and responsibility, giving 80% of the Palestine Mandate area to the Arabs (Jordan, none for the Jews);
    - As Hitler rises to power in Germany, the threat to European Jews becomes ominous - an Evian Conference is convened in 1938 by 34 (concerned) countries - conclusion: no country would provide refuge to the threatened 11 million European Jews (Note: The US and Great Britain each accept a token 20,000 Jewish children);
    - The danger to Jews is typified by a shipload of 1000, desperate to escape Europe, who travel to the US on the USS St. Louis (Movie "Ship of Fools") - only 22 are permitted to land - the rest are returned to Europe and the "death camps" - no country will offer sanctuary to Jews;
    - Germany (ironically, one of world's cultural leaders) holds the Wahnsie Conference in 1942, convening scientists (eight PhDs) and military officers - to plan the most-efficient means of murdering all their European "unwanteds", primarily Jews, but also homosexuals, Seventh Day Adventists, Poles, Slavs, etc. (but only the Jews are marked for total annihilation);
    - Six million Jews (40% of the 15 million world total) are murdered: children, women, men - killed in cold-blooded, assembly-line fashion (first mass shootings, then poison gas, ovens); (Note: A shocked and angry Gen. Eisenhower, on liberating a death camp, forces neighbor-city Germans to walk through, takes photos - trying to preclude exactly what is happening today - denial of the Holocaust by many world and religious leaders). (Note; Now, three generations later, the Jewish people have still not recovered numerically - only fourteen million Jews live today.)
    - Roosevelt and Churchill, although aware of the death camp, refuse to allow Allied bombers to bomb the rail-tracks leading to Auschwitz - even though bomb racks were full - on returning home from "scratched" bombing raids to Germany - thousands of helpless Jews were therefore killed so these world-leaders could avoid accusations of "fighting the war to save the Jews"!)

    History - State of Israel - Established by United Nations, 1948

    - The United Nations, in 1948, votes to give the remaining Jews of the world a place of refuge, their own homeland - they divide the remaining 20% of the Palestine Mandate, into approximately equal portions between Jews and Palestinian Arabs;
    - The Jews accept, naming their tiny country (about 10% of the original Mandate area) - Israel;
    - The Arabs reject the offer for a separate country for the Palestinians (in addition to the 22 other Arab countries) - dogmatically rebuffing the concept of any homeland at all for Jews;
    - Five Arab armies attack tiny Israel from all sides;
    - Records of statements by Arab leaders: Palestinian Arabs are exhorted to leave the war zone for their own safety; wealthy Palestinian leaders flee with their families, leaving poor Palestinians without leadership; complaints by Palestinians that the Arab armies had abandoned them; complaints by Palestinians that Arab propaganda about Jewish atrocities at Yeir Dassin was back-firing, Palestinians fleeing in panic. All these facts are readily verifiable, yet the propaganda claims by anti-Semites persist today - "occupied territory".
    - Against tremendous odds, miraculously, with desperate, defending forces largely comprised of death camp survivors, tiny Israel is victorious, defeating the combined Arab armies;
    - About 800,000 Palestinians had lived within what would become the borders of future Israel; many would become "refugees" by the fighting, fleeing for various causes (listed above); 150,000 who remained in Galilee and Negev (70% Muslim, 20% Christian, 10% Druze) would become Israeli citizens; after the war, they would comprise one-fifth of Israel's population. (Note: Today, six decades later, Arabs are still one-fifth of Israel's 7.3 million population - due to large immigration of Russian Jews; also 150,000 Palestinians were given citizenship when Israel annexed East Jerusalem in 1967. Israel's current Arab population is about 1.4 million.)
    - Contradicting the mega-million myth, the total number of 1948/9 Palestinian refugees was 320,000. Records show that 800,000 Arabs resided within the "Green Line" before the 1948/9 War; 170,000 Arabs remained in Israel following the war, and an additional 100,000 were absorbed by Israel. Also, 100,000 middle and upper class Arabs were absorbed by neighboring Arab states, and 50,000 migrant laborers returned to their states. About 50,000 Bedouins joined Jordan and Sinai tribes and an estimated 10,000-15,000 were war fatalities. Thus the total Palestinian refugees = 320,000.
    - Those Arab-Israelis who remained in the country, are presently full citizens of Israel, walk the streets of Jerusalem, etc. in perfect safety, elect their own representatives in the Knesset (Parliament), have full freedoms, medical treatment, education, and living standards that are higher than 95% of their cousin Arabs who live in even much wealthier Arab countries. (Note: This is never commented on by the critics of Israel.)
    - At the same time, 820,000 Jews were forced out of their homes in Arab Mediterranean countries (some having lived there for generations) - and generally penniless, most emigrated to Israel where they were absorbed - they were NOT considered refugees by the UN : the rest were resettled in other non-Arab countries.
    - After the 1948-49 war, Jordan annexes the West Bank (70% of Jordanians are genetically Palestinian Arabs), and Egypt annexes Gaza, no Palestinian claims are made against them - only against Israel (Example of "double standards" applied to Israel - in the Arab world, in the UN and in the minds of "liberals").
    - Seven years after the 1948-49 war, armies from neighboring Arab countries attack Israel again, then again, and yet again: 1956, 1967, 1973. The preamble to every war was political and military provocations: closing of Straits of Tehran, of the Suez Canal, Arab military build-ups at Israel's borders, the sneak attack on Yom Kippur, etc.; aggression and support by the entire Arab world plus world "liberals". Somehow, every war is won by Israel (the first loss would have been Israel's last - and the demise of Israel);
    - As Arab armies lose on the battlefield, international pressure always builds up for an immediate armistice to prevent Israel from retaining land for protection against future attacks; Israel twice giving back land won in battle: Suez, Sinai, Golan Heights (no other country ever doing so - ignored by Israel's critics);
    - Losing in military conflicts, the PLO and terrorist Arab groups like Hamas and Hezbollah have always resorted to attacks upon Israeli civilians, blowing up buses, malls, schools, The UN and "liberal" leaders in the Western world do little to restrain such attacks upon Israeli children and civilians, but constantly criticize Israel for retaliation (the Arab terrorists always mounting attacks in the midst of or shielded by Palestinian children, hospitals, schools - so any Israeli retaliation causes collateral civilian casualties. The UN is always on the side of the Arabs.
    - Meanwhile, refugees elsewhere in the world, were also in need of a homeland - Ethiopians (claiming Jewish heritage and being descendants of King Solomon and Queen Sheba) - desperate thousands of Ethiopians, Beta Israel or Falasha - gather in Sudan, Africa, hoping to be rescued from starvation. Despite Arab world-wide protests upon discovery of the plans, Israel sends fleets of commercial plus military escort aircraft on three separate operations to rescue these refugees, to bring them to Israel and to give them a "life"; Operation Moses (15,000 rescued, 1985), Joshua (800 more, 1985), Solomon (14,324, in 1991 - 36 hours non-stop, 36 transports, Jumbo Jets and C-130 transports). No UN "refugee" money is given to them or to help Israel - Israel just absorbs them.
    - To counter continued attacks, Israel establishes defensive settlements in the midst of Arab communities (as America had during the Indian wars), after attacks from Lebanon, and the Golan Heights. Afterwards, however, Israel has always been forced to withdraw, bowing to UN and international pressure - only mild criticism is voiced against the Arabs and their terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians;
    - In 2000, during "Peace" negotiations, Palestinian Arabs are again offered their own separate state - again they refuse;
    - In 2006, seeking peaceful coexistence, Israel relinquishes Hebron, the burial place of its Patriarchs and Matriarchs, to the Palestinians.
    - In 2008, Israel withdraws from Gaza, after 38 yrs occupation, forcibly removing Israeli settlers. Immediately, the Palestinians vote Hamas terrorists into power - immediately rockets are launched into Israel, with civilian casualties, terrorizing communities. Israel retaliates with a three-week military incursion to destroy the Hamas organization; followed by world-wide condemnation of Israel;

    The UN's Refugee Record Reveals the Truth - Blatant Double Standards!

    - Between 1933 and 1945, in the run-up to World War II, UN data record about 79 million refugees around the world;
    - In the aftermath of World War II, there have been over 100 million refugees, world-wide;
    - The United Nations has established two "High Commissions for Refugees": UNHCR handles all refugees, world-wide, EXCEPT for the Israeli-related Palestinians; UNRWA - the largest UN agency (25,000 employees) - handles ONLY Israel-related Palestinian refugees.
    - The differences between UNHCR and UNRWA are striking: "rights of return" apply ONLY to Palestinian refugees, covering all descendants without generational limitation; however, the non-Palestinian refugees (although many peoples are in desperate situations), have no such "rights". Also, while UNHCR (for non-Palestinians) has been rewarded for its humanitarian achievements in reducing the number of global refugees by finding places for their settlement, UNRWA (for Palestinians) has been rewarded for the EXACT OPPOSITE - for NOT resettling Palestinians - thus perpetuating and aggravating their plight, and ever-increasing the number of - Israel-related Palestinian refugees, creating a politically-disastrous "powder-keg".
    - Arab refugees from Arab countries also get special treatment: 300,000 Palestinians were expelled from Kuwait - due to PLO's collaboration with the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait; 800,000 Yemenites were expelled from Saudi Arabia - due to Yemen's support of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait; over 500,000 Christians fled Lebanon - as a result of a series of civil wars ignited by the PLO and Syrian occupation; 10,000 PLO members were killed and thousands of Palestinians were expelled from Jordan - due to PLO terrorism and attempts to topple the Hashemite regime. No UN claim, let alone the "right of return" is demanded by the UN and the international community for any of these - since they are not Israel-related Arab refugees - Israel cannot be blamed!
    - In recent years, the Middle East (Israel) has been the subject of 76% of country-specific UN General Assembly critical resolutions; 100% of the Human Rights Council resolutions; 100% of the Commission on the Status of Women resolutions; 50% of critical reports from the World Food Program; six of ten Emergency sessions. (A token admission - the Human Rights Council was widely criticized in 2007 for failing to condemn other human rights abusers - besides Israel.)
    - Of note is Resolution 3379 (1975) stating that "Zionism is racism"; it was rescinded in 1991.
    - Israel is the only member state of the United Nations that can NEVER become part of the Security Council.

    Review Feature Office 2010

    Sunday, August 15, 2010

    Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands - Acrobatic Featurette [Europe]

    The Prince used to only have the ability to rewind time but this time this won't be enough 4 more elemental powers will be needed to beat the challenging puzzles of Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands

    Review Feature Office 2010

    An Action Movie With Very Little Else - "Crank" Movie Review

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    The premise of "Crank" is a fairly simple one. Chev Chelios (Jason Statham - "Transporter") is a professional assassin who is poisoned with a combination of drugs called "The Beijing Cocktail" by one of his enemies. The poison will quickly kill him unless he can keep his adrenaline up to block the poison from bonding with his blood. Thus, Chev must do everything he can to keep his blood pumping fast enough to keep himself alive while he hunts down his enemy Verona in search of an antidote and to avenge the poisoning itself.

    Despite the simple concept, "Crank" becomes a complex weave of characters and action that really doesn't make sense, causing the movie to just be one high-adrenaline action scene after another. The high points of the movie are few and far between. Due to the concept of the movie, the action scenes are intense and each one brings a different type of action to the forefront. From a gun fight, to high speed car chases. to a fight on a helicopter mid-air, "Crank" takes every possible way to create action-packed moments and forces Chev to experience them.

    One of the other high points is in the cinematography. At certain points of the movie, the camera switches from a single one following Chev to the view seen through the security cameras, allowing the viewer to observe the scene in a different light.

    Other than those few high points, "Crank" falls flat in the rest of the movie. As for the action of the movie, most of the scenes seem completely unrealistic and completely staged. For example, when Chev first realizes that he must keep his adrenaline up, he walks across the room and punches a couple gang members, causing a fight that probably would've gotten him killed. Instead, it just pumps him up and he jumps into his car and drives away. Sure, the adrenaline fact for Chev is a matter of life and death, but punching a gang member out of the blue seems a little forced.

    When it comes to characters in the movie, the essentials are clear. Chev is an assassin in trouble. Verona is the crime boss who poisoned him. Eve (Amy Smart - "Just Friends") is Chev's girlfriend. Beyond that though, the characters and how they relate are poorly discussed and the character relationships are poorly developed. For example, there is a character named Carlito. He is a rival crime boss, and although it is clear who he is, the reasonings behind his actions are never fully explained, and all of a sudden, Carlito is in a scene with another major character, and you're not really sure why.

    One of the other major negatives of the movie is in the portrayal of women. Eve, although beautiful, is portrayed as naïve and dumb. In the face of possible death, Eve feels it's more important to try and pick up her spilled purse than to get out of danger. Besides Eve, the only other women in the movie are seen as sex objects or servants. "Crank" lacks a positive female presence, which isn't always a necessity, but the fact that the women that are in the movie are portrayed so poorly makes it hard to watch.

    Overall, "Crank" is a good action movie if all you're looking for is action. Other than that, it really is a poor movie. The potential was there. The concept was rather unique and could've made for a great film, but in this case, the way it was told, it really made for a bad viewing experience. Although I would typically recommend all movies for some reason or another, even if they aren't that great, I really can't find a good reason to recommend this movie.

    Grade: D

    Review Feature Office 2010

    Saturday, August 14, 2010

    Elements of a Good Movie Review

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    Not all movie reviews are created equal. Some are written excellently. Others are blatant advertising and shameless marketing attempts. Still, there are haphazardly written reviews that are hardly worth your time. How do you decide which ones are good and which ones are not? It depends on several things.

    When you consult a film review, consider the following tips.

    Take a look at the brief synopsis of the movie review. A film review provides only a brief synopsis of what it is all about. It does not summarize the entire film. You read a review to understand if it is worth watching and not to read about the script! A review would enumerate the whole story in your face.

    A good review analyzes the different aspects of the movie. The review is not all about the acting of the actors and actresses. It is not an extolling of the technical prowess of the film. A good movie review therefore takes a look at all the aspects of the film from the plot, characterization, cinematography, the technical aspect and its overall implications.

    A good movie review gives a rating. A good review would give its overall analysis of the movie. It does not sit at the fence and refuse to give its verdict. It cites both the positive and the negative aspects of the film. This way, the review helps the viewers determine the excellence of a film.

    A good movie review is a great aid in enhancing your viewing experience. It may not necessarily be a necessity, but surely it helps you understand the film better. It will also help you look out for the best things that a movie offers. It also prepares you to deal with the bad parts of the movie.

    Review Feature Office 2010

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