Saturday, July 31, 2010
Street Fighter SE Fightstick Mod
Who Made the PS3
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Sony Computer Entertainment has proudly produced the third home video gaming console for gaming fans. Its official name is PLAYSTATION 3 and it is abbreviated as PS3.
PS3 is the third and the latest in the PlayStation series which was launched way back in 2004. PS3 is the successor to PlayStation 2. It has competition in the market under the brand name of Nintendos Wii and Microsofts Xbox 360.PS3 is the seventh generation video gaming console.
It is the new features of PS3 which differentiate it from its predecessors. Sony has introduced the PlayStation Network, which is a unified online gaming service. Initially Sony had a policy of relying on the game developers for online play. However, the rules of the game have changed with PS3.
Some other noteworthy features include the PlayStations robust network capabilities and its connectivity with PlayStation Portable.
The connectivity with PlayStation Portable and PlayStations powerful network capabilities are some of the other remarkable features of PS3. In addition, PS3 uses the Blu-ray disc format which is the latest high-definition optical disc format in the market. It can be said that PS3 is the first Blu-ray 2.0 compliant player in the market.
PS3 was launched in different countries successively. It was first released in Japan, then in North America and lastly in Europe and Oceania. In Japan, the date of release was November 11, 2006, while in North America it was November 13, 2006. In Europe and Oceania, it was released in March 2007 due to technical problems cited by Sony.
PS3 was first unveiled by Sony to the general public on May 16, 2005 during the E3 conference. Then it was demonstrated at the Tokyo game show in September 2005. However, at both the events a functional version was not present. In both the events, the demonstrations were held on Devkits and PC hardware. In addition video footage based on the predicted PlayStation 3 hardware was also shown.
Different features in both the models lead Sony to price them differently. The 20 GB model was priced at $499 while the 60 GB model was priced at $599. However, some additional features like HDMI port, Wi-Fi Internet, flash card readers and a chrome trim with the logo in silver were only available in the 60 GB model.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Hex Empire Review - Flash Gaming Review
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The game I am reviewing today is called Hex Empire, sponsored by Minijuegos. The game is a basic strategy game, easy to get the hang of, but does have a sense of difficulty to it.
The game starts up with a randomized map supposedly created by complicated arithmetic equations. There are 4 different countries/states you can choose from to start your conquest of world domination. When you find the map to your liking and the country to your liking you start the game. You start with a few units at your home base and move through the map by clicking on your units then clicking in the given area to move them. The unit display is as followed, Number of people in the unit you have selected over the moral number/bonus. These bonuses can be achieved by moving to certain spots on the map. For example, if you move onto a city (Regular dot) you get a people bonus which increases the number of people you have on the unit you moved to the city, another bonus is a moral bonus which can be achieved by either capturing a port (port-like icon) or by using the "Give a speech" bonus which boosts the moral of all units around the map by a great amount, but can only be used once. As you move through the map you face the computer players which can be put on different difficulties depending on your skill level. When you move your unit onto another players units then they will "fight" and the computer will decide who wins, depending on number of units and moral and whoever wins will come out alive. The option of the game is to conquer the rest of the world.
Another strategy to this is being able to have a peace pact with another computer, which usually only happens towards the beginning of the game as long as you have not came in conflict with that player. To defeat another country/state you must move your units to their main state and defeat the units standing on the main state to achieve victory and take control of all the ports and cities of the country/state you have conquered. The only downside to the game is the occasional small glitch and worst of all, there is no multi player. A game like this is just begging for online multi player. Although the game does not have multi player it is most definitely addicting, strategic and fun.
The Millennium in Revelation 20
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Evidence of the confusion which surrounds the subject of the millennium is evident from the various divisions of eschatology (study of last things). Many religious groups consciously and unconsciously are defined or categorized by their views on the millennium.
First, there is Pre-millennialism, which means that the millennium occurs before Christ returns. In this view, Christ removes the righteous from the world via a rapture from the earth before the 1000 years begins. The wicked are "left behind" according to the writings of Tim LaHaye and others of that view.
This doctrine originated in the mid 19th century and holds a very pessimistic view of the future. Following the end of the millennium, Christ fights the battle of Armageddon, defeats all of his enemies and then ushers in the New Heavens and the New Earth.
A key feature of this doctrine is that Christ will return to Jerusalem and reign on earth seated upon David's throne during the 1000 years. How he manages all this coming and going is a mystery. He comes to get the righteous and take them back to heaven, then he comes back to reign on earth a thousand years all at the same time, then leaves again and comes again to wrap it all up. It is the most convoluted teaching one can imagine.
However, for political reasons, it is adopted by many claiming for themselves a superiority in the millennium as those who have power over the nations. This would make those in the millennium a superior race, much as that imagined by Hitler.
Mistaken Notions of Premillennialilsm
Evidence for this doctrine is not found in the Bible. There are several major contradictions found in this view that merit its disapproval. First, it is exegetically incorrect. The millennium, believed to be a literal 1000 years, is not a reference to time, but to an event. 1000, is used in scripture both literally and figuratively. The first needs no explanation. However, there are several passages where the word 1000 is used to denote perfection or completion.
For example, the Bible teaches that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, Psalm 50:10. Well, who owns the rest of the cattle in the flat lands and the hills exceeding one thousand? Further, God says he keeps merch for thousands, (Exodus 34:7). So what of the millions and billions who need His mercy? Those who study numerology, (an excellent resource is "E. W. Bullinger's" >Figures of Speech Used in the Bible), the number 1000 is a multiple of 10 X 10 X 10, the number of perfection or completion.
In Revelation, John is describing events which were shortly to come to pass and for which the time was at hand, (Revelation 1:1-3). Inasmuch as the millennium involved the defeat and destruction of Satan, Paul wrote to the Roman church saying that God would crush Satan under their feet shortly, (16:20). Further, in Revelation 12:12, even the devil himself knew that he had but a "short time." Yet, premillennnialists make this a "long time" with their literalism. Here is a case where opting for the devil's view may be the lesser of two evils.
The Parable of the Wheat and Tares
As to the mistaken notion that a Rapture will occur before the final return of Christ at some time in our future, Premil-rapture theorists are wrong again. The Lord makes clear in his teachings that no intermediate coming to separate the wicked and the righteous occurs before the harvest. There is no doubt that the harvest is a major them of the Revelation. See chapter 14:14-20.
More particularly in the parable of the tares and wheat, the servants asked the Lord who had sown the tares among the wheat. He replied, "An enemy has done this, referring to Satan." They, wanting to be helpful, offered their service of going to the fields to root up the tares. The master's response is catastrophic to the premillennial theory. He said, "No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let them both grow together until the harvest I will say to the reapers, "First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles and burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn." (Matthew 13:28-30) emp. mine, whb.
Now if ever a plain direct contradiction were taught in scripture, it is here. It is the tares, (wicked) which are removed first, with the righteous left behind. None are removed until the harvest at the end of the age, (13:39-40).
Pre-Millennialism Turned Inside Out
Another problem with the premillennial teaching is that it reverses the order of the millennium. This docrtrine holds that in the millennium Christ reigns on earth for a 1000 years, but after his Second Coming he returns to heaven to reign forever. This is 180 degrees from what is taught in the word of God.
According to the Scriptures, in the millennium Christ reigns from heaven, not on earth. However, following the millennium, he returns to earth, but neither is a literal reign upon a literal throne on earth. How do we know this to be true?
First, Christ is a priest upon his throne, Zechariah 6:12-13. According to Hebrews, Christ could not be a priest on earth as long as the Levitical priesthood existed with their temple, offerings and sacrifices offered according to the Law, Hebrews 8:3-4. Having been raised from the dead and ascended into the heavens to sit upon David's throne, He reigns until all enemies are put under his feet. See Acts 2:29-35, 1 Cor. 15:25-26. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. Thus, Christ's millennial reign in heaven at the right hand of the Father would not end until the defeat of death.
However, in Revelation, two things are affirmed for those who reign with Christ. First, they were to hold fast, until he returned, at which time he would give them power over the nations to rule them with a rod of iron, (Revelation 2:25-26). But, if all the wicked are destroyed in the Battle of Armageddon, where are the nations following Christ's return over which the saints must rule?
Secondly, it is after his return that the saints reign on earth. "And have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth, (Rev. 5:10)." This follows the millennium, being the fulfillment of the promise mentioned in above in 2:25-26. Why, because that coming is associated with the saints overcoming and keeping his works unto the end. The promise follows that they would have power over the nations.
Further, that equates with the blessing promised to the church at Ephesus that they would eat of the tree of life, (Revelation 2:7), and to that of Smyrna, (2:11), who would not be hurt of the second death. Laodicea is promised to sit down with Christ upon his throne at the end of the millennium, (Rev. 3:21). These all being the same, follow upon the end of the millennium where Satan, the beast and the false prophet have been cast into the lake of fire.
The Millennium Ended in 70 AD
The millennium is fulfilled when the law and the prophets were fulfilled. Christ affirmed all this occurred during the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, Luke 21:20-22, and all before that first century generation passed. This means the millennium properly falls between the resurrection and ascension of Christ and his return to destroy the Jewish nation. Since that time, all in Christ reign with him on earth in his eternal kingdom.
Much more can be said on this topic, but time and space does not permit. These ideas are currently being developed in more detail in a book to be published later this year according to current plans.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
God Of War 3 Hercules
White Knight Chronicles International Edition
White Knight Chronicles International Edition Review
is a good game don't listen the big page reviews only the games they like go with a good score, even is a real bad game, is you are tired of the same this is great option for jrpg, is short, but sustancial, and the online component is very good
White Knight Chronicles International Edition Feature
- Online multiplayer communication features including voice chat, live talk allowing characters to have side conversations, camera functionality via Crystal Camera and the online GeoNet portal.
- Devastating transformation abilities allowing players to change into the giant White Knight, gaining the ability to challenge large enemies, as well as troops of soldiers throughout the adventure.
- An accessible turn-based combat system allowing the player to control and optimize the attacks and abilities of a four character quest, including a fully customizable avatar character.
- 50+ exclusive disc based online side quests allowing you to quest cooperatively with up to 3 other players to gain extra gear and experience. Additional quests will be available in the future.
- Georama lobby creation functionality allowing the building of a persistent online village usable as an multiplayer game lobby, or as a location for others to visit and/or marketplace for in-game items.
White Knight Chronicles International Edition Overview
White Knight Chronicles is an epic fantasy tale about two kingdoms in midst of a longstanding war. The King of Balandor, wishing to put an end to the war, invites the duke of Faria to his castle to celebrate his daughter's coming of age. But this celebration is sabotaged by the Magi, a rogue sect seeking to steal the White Knight, an ancient weapon of war sealed beneath Balandor castle, in order to take over the world. During the ensuing chaos, a young man named Leonard accidentally unlocks the power of the White Knight as he attempts to save the princess. With this power, Leonard manages to fend off the Magi attack, but not before they escape with the princess. With the kingdoms in chaos, Leonard is entrusted with the mission to find the Magi and rescue the princess. With the help of his trusted companions, they travel throughout Balandor and beyond on a quest to save the princess before the Magi unlock the other knights. The journey is fraught with danger, with Magi warriors at every turn, mythical beasts and monsters to battle, and forbidden powers revealed. As Leonard learns more about the power of the Knight, he realizes that unsealing all of them could trigger a calamity that could end the world.
White Knight Chronicles International Edition Specifications
White Knight Chronicles International Edition is a Japanese RPG (role-playing game) which allows players to explore an expansive and exciting world of turn-based combat, adventure and comradery A PlayStation 3 exclusive, it was created by noted Japanese RPG game developer Level-5 and features both single player and online multiplayer action, the awesome power to assume the shape of the White Knight, the ability to build a persistent online town/lobby, communication via online blogs, message boards and quest logs, voice chat and beautiful game environments.
The story of White Knight Chronicles is set in the fictional Kingdom of Balandor and follows the adventures of a boy named Leonard who realizes his role in a drama started thousands of years in the past. Working in the proximity of the palace, Leonard stumbles on a plot to kidnap the enigmatic Princess Cisna. As he helps her escape he also becomes aware of his connection to a transformative power which allows him to take on the ancient shape, and harness the devastating power of the White Knight. Yet there are other elements at work here as well, including the forces of an evil wizard with powers that stretch back to the same ancient times which produced the White Knight. With the help of his friends and the power of the White Knight, these are the forces that Leonard will have to face in his quests. Gameplay White Knight Chronicles is a Japanese RPG (JRPG) centered around a turn-based battle system in a local single player story-driven campaign that is supported by online multiplayer functionality. Gameplay questing occurs from a third-person perspective and follows Leonard and up to three other AI companions, which can include the customizable character that players assume in multiplayer mode. Once quest members are assembled, players utilize the strengths of the overall group as a whole, and are able to switch between characters at will. Combat being turn-based, players must be able to cue up and control the actions of each character in quick sequence for each combat scenario faced. The game facilitates this via the Function Palette, located in its Battle Preparation menu, allowing players to prepare in advance a series of commands for each character to carry out. These can involve magic or weapons use and can be merged into combos. Multiple palettes can be saved, making it possible to optimize actions for specific types of enemies, and making for quick changing of commands. As with any RPG, throughout quests players accumulate experience which allows their character to level up, purchase items and abilities and generally grow stronger with an eye towards besting the increasingly challenging creatures, bosses and situations faced. Online Multiplayer Along with a compelling single player campaign, White Knight Chronicles also contains an exciting online multiplayer component. Within this, up to four players can engage in more than 50 multiplayer quests, with each player creating their own unique customizable character which can be leveled up in a combined group effort, and take advantage of created items and new skills. Although unique to the online game mode, which is designed for multiplayer action, these quests can also be played alone if players wish. In addition to this functionality available in the online multiplayer mode also includes a variety of ways to interact with the wider White Knight Chronicles community on the PlayStation 3 platform. Included in this is town building through the Georama functionality, which allows players to construct a town to their own specifications that can be populated offline with characters from throughout the single player campaign and then taken online where it serves as a base for quests hosted by players, as well as a persistent online location that other players can visit and buy items your town's population has for sale. The game also offers an online interface known as GeoNet that allows players to communicate with others via blogs, forums, quest logs and voice chat functionality, as well as post snapshots from their journeys using the Crystal Camera in-game tool. Key Game Features
Available at Amazon Check Price Now!
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jul 29, 2010 07:25:16
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 :: "Blammo!" Achievement
Xbox360 White vs. Playstation 3
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
PS3 Rumble Pad Wireless - Red
PS3 Rumble Pad Wireless - Red Review
This is a great controller, I'm going to start with the good things and the bad things
the good things: it has sweet LED lights, it has 2 rumble pads (it vibrates), the controller feels so natural in my hands, you can enable turbo fire by pressing any button and then pressing the button on top of the PS button,
the bad things: there is only one bad thing that is a big yet a small problem, the dead zone, for you who do not know what a dead zone is, it is the amount of space you can move an analog stick before it will respond. The dead zone is huge on the controller and if you are used to the original PS3 controller then it will take a week or two to get used to.And one more thing, if you press the PS button it wont turn on the PS3.
HOW TO USE: it will come with a usb thing (sorry i dont know what its called), you get the usb and stick it into your PS3, and press connect until the light flickers really fast then press the controller's Ps button until it flickers really fast and it will connect,
if you already had it connected and turned your PS3 off, when you turn it on , just turn the button behind the controller to 'ON' and then it should automatically turn on
I hope you decide to buy thing controller AS IT IS AWESOME, great for first person shooters, like call of duty
and i hope you enjoyed my review
PS3 Rumble Pad Wireless - Red Feature
- LED's for Glow Effects
- Turbo Function
- 2.4 GHz Wireless Technology
- Ergonomic controller design
- Dual rumble motors
PS3 Rumble Pad Wireless - Red Overview
The Rumble Pad Wireless controller for the PS3 is designed for the gamer who demands the best from wireless gaming. The Rumble Pad Wireless utilizes the latest 2.4 GHz wireless technology providing you with latency free game play. The Rumble Pad Wireless features dual rumble motors and an ergonomic design for comfort.
Available at Amazon Check Price Now!
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jul 27, 2010 19:10:31
Wii Cheat Codes
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Are Wii cheat codes ethical? What is the point of having a challenging game and then resorting to cheat codes? Many people legitimately ask these questions.
The answer is all to do with improving your ability at that particular game. If you get stuck on one level then you can't ever master the next level. What is the point in having a game that you can only access 10% of the game - all because you get stuck at one bit. The cheat codes give you freedom to try the other levels without going through the pain barrier of getting to that level.
Codes can be used for changing the appearance of many of the characters and artefacts in the game if you don't like the ones supplied. There are various cheats that can help you in development, like getting extra weapons, shields and ammunition. There are different cheats that are just for fun, such as selecting a different color for your sports equipment or scaring the crowd. Cheat code frequently adds different options and variety to any game, and also gives you the option to change it as and how you like so that you do not get bored playing the same game repeatedly.
Game cheats are special sequences of codes that you can get off the Internet, or from gaming magazines. You can then enter the codes into your Wii console. These codes then allow you to gain special abilities within a game, or even bypass certain sections or levels of a game altogether.
Is it cheating or common sense?
Does it liberate you from the constraints of a particular level?
Only you can decide.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Control in Driving - Doing it the Easy Way
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When people speak of control in driving quite often they miss the point. Everyday drivers seem to associate the important aspects of control with being able to perform a handbrake turn in the tightest of spaces or weaving in and out of narrow gaps at high speed.
Personally I blame Clarkson and his cohorts, along with Hollywood and the PlayStation. Their sort of driving is spectacular and it cannot be denied that there is certainly a large degree of control involved, but in order to demonstrate that type of control with any degree of safety, the first thing that must be controlled is the environment.
The only safe places to display these boy racer tendencies are the Top Gear test track, a Hollywood film set or in a virtual world via your own living room. You see the problem is that if you do this kind of thing in the real world, one mistake could severely affect the lives of other people, and regardless of how unlikely it is that you will make a mistake, you just do not have the right to take that risk with another person's life.
So what type of control is relevant in real driving? Well of course you do have to have a certain degree of control over the vehicle, but vehicle control is truly irrelevant when compared to the concept of exerting your control over the situation.
This is a massive issue and once it is understood in the right way driving becomes much more of a stress free task, confidence will start to build and the whole thing becomes much easier and more enjoyable.
So let's look at the level of control each driver can have over a situation. Is it possible that one driver can control the intentions and actions of any other driver? Well no that would be impossible, we are not looking to dictate what anybody else on the road does.
So what does that leave us with? It seems that we must concern ourselves purely with our own actions; we must drive in a way that gives us control over how our vehicle interacts with other road users.
Basically this means that if the plan we have for the route ahead is reliant on another road user doing anything that is not standard practice then we need to change our plan. Even if the thing that we are relying on is standard practice but it requires another road user to take action, we should approach the area at a speed that gives us control over the situation.
The full understanding of these points may take some more research and a degree of consideration, but with the right attitude and a little bit of help, driving should become a far more enjoyable experience in no time at all.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
How to Fix Playstation 3 Freezing Problems
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Got Playstation 3 freezing problems? Are you wondering how to fix the troubleshooter? Well, there are 2 ways to get this problem eliminated. You either send your console over to Sony, or you will actually perform a repair by yourself with the use of a repair guide.
Fix the Playstation 3 freezing problems by sending it over to Sony?
This does sound like a pretty realistic option... right? Sony is the troublemaker, so they will fix it. Well, if you think like this, it's partly true, but it has some ups and downs... You see, when you do this, Sony will ask you to pay them $150 for the repairs. But, to cheer you up, they decided that this is only the case if your warranty has been expired...
Another downside on this is the fact that it's taking for literally weeks before you'll see your Ps3 back. Many people who have done this option have said that they had to for weeks. You'll have to wait for at least 2 weeks, but it could go up easily to 1 month of waiting.
Fix the Playstation 3 freezing problems by... Myself with the use of a repair guide?
That's right! Actually, this is the best option that you've got if you want to get rid of the freeze problem that's on your console. This is because it will be an easy, cheap and fast repair!
When you want to do this, it's highly recommended to use a Ps3 repair guide. This is because it will tell you exactly what steps to take with step by step instructions that's also coming along with detailed photo's from your Ps3 freeze problem.
ModNation Racers Career - The Grim Tour (Part 5 of 5)
Friday, July 23, 2010
Street Fighter 4 HD: Offline Casuals 8/8/09 pt4
Learn Digital Photography - How to Shoot Great Close-Ups of Flowers
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If you are someone who loves flowers and photography then you probably want to take photos of flowers. The best way to appreciate flowers is by shooting them close-up. They have magnificent details and their colours are amazing. The great thing about flowers is that you can shoot them indoors or outdoors. Some of my most successful photos have been taken inside. Here are some tips that will help you take great flower shots.
1. Know your equipment
There's nothing worse than working hard at taking a really great flower image only to find out that what you had in mind and what your equipment can deliver just doesn't tie up. Frustration sets in and if you are anything like me will put it on hold till you come up with a solution. Find out how close your lens or compact camera will allow you to shoot the flower. Once you know these distances you are away. Also ascertain what equipment you need in order to shoot the idea.
2. Learn the techniques
There are a number of basics you need to have a grasp of before you can shoot flowers. For example, depth of field. When you are working at such a close working distance you will find that you need to either blur out the background, using a small aperture f-number, or a large f-number to get maximum focus. These both cause problems of their own so master the use of depth of field.
3. Use a tripod
A tripod is an essential piece of equipment when shooting close-up. A stable platform is necessary as movement is one of the major problems when shooting a close-up photo. Movement is accentuated when working very close to a subject.
4. Shutter speed
Understanding shutter speed is coupled with point 3 as you use it to limit movement by choosing a fast shutter speed. This also compensates for any camera shake from either hand holding the camera or the subject moving too fast.
5. Time of day
Bright overcast days are perfect, especially when there is a little indirect sunshine. An overcast sky acts as one big diffuser creating soft lighting conditions. With close-up photography you don't want light that is too bright or not enough.
6. Watch your backgrounds
This is so important because you want to accentuate the flower and not the leaves or weeds in the background. If necessary use a piece of coloured card. By using a shallow depth of field you will be able to blur out most of the background and lift the colourful flower thereby isolating it. If the background is too busy it may still distract despite the use of a shallow depth of field.
7. The oldest trick in the book
A small atomising spray bottle is a great trick for flower photography. Those little droplets of dew are often just a quick spray of the flower with water. Try it next time you take a flower. Don't overdo it until you have finished then add a little more to create some larger droplets.
Flower photography is an art and cannot be summarised in one article. These tips will get you going and hopefully inspire you to go the whole distance. Happy shooting!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Coco Rocha
The 20 Top Selling Video Games of All Time
Video games have become incredibly popular over the past two decades to the tune of millions of copies sold on a worldwide basis. People of all ages enjoy video games because of their ease to play and the entertainment that they provide. Video games can be played on the computer, on consoles hooked up to the television, or on handheld devices. Here we are providing you with the top five best selling console games of all-time and the list does include handheld games as well. After we present the top five, we will provide a list of the remaining 15 of the 20 top selling video games of all-time.
#5: New Super Mario Brothers (DS 18.45 million copies sold): This game was released in North America in 2006 for the Nintendo DS, which is a handheld system. This game follows the same storyline as all the other Super Mario Bros. games in that Mario has to fight his way through the henchmen working for Bowser in order to rescue Princess Peach.
#4: Pokémon Red, Blue, and Green (Game Boy 20.08 million copies sold): This game was released on Nintendo's Game Boy in North America in 1998. The main goal of the game is to navigate through the region of Kanto to become a master at Pokémon battling by becoming the Champion of the Region by defeating the Elite Four.
#3: Wii Fit (Wii 21.82 million copies sold): This is one of the most common games on the Wii system, a new console from Nintendo, which was released in North America in 2008. To play this game you need the Wii Balance Board because it is an exercise game, which quickly made it the fifth highest selling video game in history among games not packaged with the console (18.22 million) but is third overall in terms of video games sold.
#2: Nintendogs (DS 22.27 million copies sold over all five versions): The game was released in North America in 2005 and is a real-time pet simulation video game. Since the game is on the DS, which is a touch screen handheld Nintendo device, the player can pet their dog via the touch screen and purchase dog products such as toys and food.
#1: Wii Play (Wii 22.98 million copies sold): This game was released to North American stores in 2007. This game is a counterpart to the series of Wii games including Wii Sports, Wii Fit, and Wii Music. This game features a variety of mini-games including Shooting Range, Find Mii, Table Tennis, Pose Mii, Laser Hockey, Fishing, Billiards, Charge and Tanks.
Remaining 15 of the top 20 Best Sellers:
#6: Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES - 18 million)
#7: Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! (DS - 17.41 million)
#8: Mario Kart Wii (Wii - 17.39 million)
#9: Pokémon Diamond and Pearl (DS - 16.81 million)
#10: Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (PS2 - 14.89 million shipped)
#11: Mario Kart DS (DS - 14.61 million)
#12: Pokémon Gold and Silver (Game Boy Color - 14.51 million)
#13: Super Mario Land (Game Boy - 14 million)
#14: Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day! (DS - 13.71 million)
#15: Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire (GBA - 13 million)
#16: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2 - 12 million)
#17: Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen (GBA - 11.82 million)
#18: Super Mario 64 (N64 - 11 million)
#19: Gran Turismo (PS1 - 10.85 million shipped)
#20: Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS - 10.79 million)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
sYnced II - Counter Strike Source Pro Movie
Track Lighting Fixtures - Modern And Attractive
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Track lighting has been around for years but what have changed most about these systems are the track lighting fixtures themselves.
In the past, the fittings that came with the lighting system were big and bulky. People did not care for that after a while and wanted something more attractive and more quaint.
Look for Fixtures with Inbuilt Transformers
Transformers are now built in the light fittings themselves and that is how traditional track lighting converts to low voltage fixtures. For example, the wall plugs that you commonly have at home have usually been converted from a line voltage to a much safer transformer, basically making them safer for this type of use.
Line voltage is used in your wall plug outlets throughout your home. And line voltage is the power that runs through homes and office most everywhere. So when you are working with this type of lighting you have to remember that there is a degree of voltage power running through it.
Shop Around for Smaller Track Fixtures
It is also important to remember that when people speak of low voltage track systems they usually refer to the fixtures themselves.
Track lighting fixtures have seen an emergence of low voltage fixtures mainly because consumers wanted smaller track fixtures in their homes. The smaller sizes have allowed for the production of many new compact fixture styles for both track heads as well as pendants.
Use Energy-Efficient Halogen Bulbs
In addition, low voltage fixtures use halogen bulbs which produce a different type of light, one that is crisp and white versus the yellowish light that is projected from the typical incandescent light bulb.
They also use a lot less power for the same amount of light.
Identify The Lighting Type You are Installing
Track lighting falls into three categories - H, J, and L types. If you plan to work on this project yourself, you need to identify which type you are working with first of all.
If you are installing new then it is strongly suggested that you use the H type because it is newer and has more design advantages.
Be Aware of Limitations
There are still some minor limitations on track lighting and the fixtures regardless of how far it has advanced. One limitation is that it is impossible to dim one light independently. If you have a row of track lights on a dimmer switch, they have to be dimmed together rather than individually.
The track lighting fixtures are a very important part of the whole lighting scenario and they will eventually be what everyone who enters your home will see.
Of course, you will want to integrate them with your décor and at the same time offer some versatility. There are really many fixtures to choose from and you will want to make sure that you choose the perfect ones.
The fixtures do not all have to be the same as many people have been known to mix them up a bit and they look just as great. Go with whatever works for you and you will more than likely end up with the result that is perfect for you.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Sight Seeing Part One
How Golf Instructional Videos Can Take Your Game To The Next Level
I've been providing golf instruction for many years. And while I enjoy giving golf lessons and discussing golf tips, there's something to be said about golf instructional videos as teaching aids. Increasingly popular, videos have several advantages other instruction methods don't. Below are four advantages that I especially like about videos.
1. Visual Learning
We're all different and we all like to learn in our own way. Research has found that two major categories of preferred learning styles exist--visual and auditory. (Those who use both are referred to as "balanced" listeners.) In other words, when it comes to learning new information we prefer to use either our eyes or our ears, depending on how our brain works. About 65 percent of us are visual learners. The rest are auditory or balanced learners. I see this theory at work in my golf lessons all the time. People prefer to see a technique or a specific shot executed, enhancing the learning process.
Instructional videos provide an excellent learning experience, given our preference for learning visually. Many of us tend to learn new information faster and retain it longer when the information is taken in through our eyes, making videos highly effective teaching tools. In addition, videos can provide two or three times the amount of information in a visual setting than other methods. One golf video I viewed covered the basics of golf in a little less than an hour. Thus, golfers not only receive information in their preferred learning style but also in greater quantities, reinforced by the latest visual techniques.
2. Money Savings
In comparison to a typical hourly lesson rate of anywhere from $50-$150 for a PGA Pro, a golf instruction DVD can provide that same information at a fraction of the cost. Better yet, you can watch it over and over again...without getting charged hourly.
3. Stop and Rewind
This technological capability must be singled out for its unique communication capabilities. Unlike a personal presentation, the instructional video allows the viewer to stop and rewind the tape, either from the beginning or from a certain point in the script. In other words, it lets us replay the tape again and again, helping us learn through repetition.
The capability also helps with complicated golf techniques. We can rewind the tape over and over again and watch how a shot was made, imprinting it in our minds. It's especially helpful with difficult shots. Once we have this visual representation in our minds, making the shot when we face it becomes much easier.
4. Unique Technological Capabilities
Instructional videos employ the medium's unique technological capabilities to drive home key points effectively--capabilities that support information presentation. Golf instructional videos use split screens, inserts, close-ups, and computer generated 3-D graphics to teach the game's fundamentals such as how to grip, aim, and swing the club as well as how to create the proper angles at address and how to take the club back correctly.
These techniques also help maintain our interest, especially when combined with other visual aides. There's nothing more boring in person, on television or during movies than watching a talking head. Human beings crave action, movement, and so on. If we don't get it, we get bored quickly and turn our attention to other things, lowering the effectiveness of the presentation. Keeping us interested helps us focus on the material being presented.
In addition, the capability lets us hone in on details we might have missed the first time around, as well as things that we couldn't see in print, like rhythm, balance, and timing. Much of our golf game depends on these details and key intangibles, and much depends on our getting a "feel" for what the moderator is talking about and demonstrating.
These are just four of the unique benefits provided by instructional videos. If you sat down and studied the question, you probably could come up with several more. These benefits explain golf instructional videos' popularity over the last decade or so, and why they are so efficient in communicating information to a golfer. In short, they are cost-effective teaching tools for the average golfer.
Of course, we're not saying that you should abandon all other instructional methods, like golf lessons and golf tips. Each makes a contribution to the learning process and each has its place among the different techniques. Golf lessons, for example, are great at providing feedback and correcting faults.
By combining teaching methods, however, you'll learn the game faster than using just one method. You'll also learn to lower your golf handicap faster using several teaching approaches than one. And isn't that what golf instruction is all about?
Monday, July 19, 2010
Fight Night: Round 4
Fight Night: Round 4 Review
Fight Night: Round 4 Feature
- New 'Legacy Mode' that allows players to grow the career of fighters from their amateur days to the top of the professional ranks.
- All-new physics-based gameplay engine that recreates the full spectrum of true-to-life punch impacts, giving boxers a devastating arsenal of punches, blocks and ring movement.
- An updated heads-up display (HUD) that adds blocking functionality to the existing health and stamina status meters on screen.
- Realistic boxing styles based on fighters like Ali, Tyson, Frasier, Foreman that allows players to step into the ring and emulate the move of the greats of the Sweet Science.
- 2-person multiplayer functionality both locally and on PSN, and PlayStation trophies online.
Fight Night: Round 4 Overview
With an all new physics based fighting engine, new physics driven animations, truly unique and differentiated boxer styles, and the most impressive boxer roster ever including the return of the legendary Iron Mike Tyson, "Fight Night Round 4" takes video game boxing and fighting to an entirely new level.
Fight Night: Round 4 Specifications
EA SPORTS Fight Night Round 4 is truly the return of the champ. Building off Fight Night Round 3, one of the best-selling and most critically acclaimed games to come out at the onset of the PlayStation 3 hardware launch, Fight Night Round 4 promises to be equally as groundbreaking and revolutionary. With an all new physics based fighting engine, new physics driven animations, truly unique and differentiated boxer styles, and the most impressive boxer roster ever, including the return of the legendary Iron Mike Tyson, EA SPORTS Fight Night Round 4 takes video game boxing and fighting to an entirely new level.
Featuring a dramatically improved physics engine, Fight Night Round 4 brings players closer to the sweet science than ever before. Through these upgrades fighters are rendered more vividly than ever and action is animated as it happens, meaning that not only are no two rounds the same, but no two punches are the same either. This variety in punches is most evident at the point of impact, where players will see everything from the sweat splatter of devastating shots, to the energy-sucking effects of solid body blows and the virtual lack of impact glancing blows may have on a determined opponent. But when enough of any punches land the damage system built into the new physics system will allow players to clearly see the impact on opponents exactly when and where you hit them. A bloody nose or lip, a cut or swelling over the eye, a bruised forehead or shoulder; players will see them all, and it's their choice whether to take advantage and go for the stoppage. In addition, the improved physics also makes for a significantly faster gameplay experience. Along with the game's controller and overall movement tweeks this allows player's to string together punches into devastating combinations. Although a single punch still has the potential to take down a rival, just as in real boxing match, combinations and the ability to avoid them are the key in Fight Night Round 4. Height, Reach and Styles Matter As in real boxing, where height and reach have advantages and disadvantages depending on your opponent and your skill, Fight Night Round 4 forces players to use their fighters' physical characteristics and styles to their advantage, or suffer the consequences. these consequences come by way of fighters ability to now fight effectively in close, as well as from a distance. For example, shorter fighters are often faster than taller opponents and tend to do better on the inside against taller fighters, but they must get inside first. If they choose to fight at a distance, the advantage is lost. Similarly, height and the assumed longer reach that goes with it is a sizable advantage, but only if a fighter "fights tall," that is stand up straight and utilizes the jab and other punches to maintain the optimal distance to from opponent that allows him to hit and not be hit in return. Slouch and/or abandon the jab, and the reach advantage is lost. New Heads Up Display Adds Blocking Ability In addition to the traditional Heads Up Display (HUD), which has always provided Fight Night players with a visual representation of the changing health and stamina or their fighters, Fight Night Round 4 adds blocking to its HUD. Designed to both provide an ongoing way to monitor your fighter's ability to defend himself when not punching and facilitate action during rounds by encouraging players to develop additional defensive and offensive skills, blocking is yet another realistic addition introduced by Fight Night Round 4. When players lose the ability to block punches they can not avoid punches thrown by opponents and must go on the offensive or take the punches. Blocking ability, as well as health and stamina can be replenished between rounds by assigning points accumulated for action in the ring to any of the three physical states/abilities. Roster of Fighters Fight Night Round 4 features a large roster of fighters from multiple eras and weight classes. Made up of more than 40 fighters this elite group provides players with the ability to not only relive past and current rivalries, but to also create new ones across time to solve the question of who is really the greatest of all time. Just a few of the fighters that players can expect to take into the ring include: Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, George Foreman, Roy Jones Jr., Manny Pacquiao, Lennox Lewis, Sugar Ray Leonard, Winky Wright, Eddie Chambers, Ricky Hatton, James Toney. Key Game Features:
Legacy Mode is Fight Night Round 4's career mode. Through it players develop their fighter from the ground up, starting in amateur competition which progresses into a career as a pro and may even include steps up or down into multiple weight classes to take on new challenges. Within this mode players can either accept the fights made for them, or create their own schedule of opponents. Either way, the goal is to rise in the ranks from contender, to champ, hall of famer, superstar and eventually the greatest ever. To do this players must not only win their bouts, but gain popularity and additional prestigious matches by winning them convincingly. |
Available at Amazon Check Price Now!
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jul 19, 2010 14:50:12
Golden Skulls Battleskin for PS3
Golden Skulls Battleskin for PS3 Review
Golden Skulls Battleskin for PS3 Overview
The GameRigs Battleskin is an advance console wrapping material that protects and enhances your precious gaming system with a 'showroom' finish and premium custom designs.
Available at Amazon Check Price Now!
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jul 19, 2010 02:30:07
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Cain Velasquez UFC Undisputed 2010 Trailer
Resonance of Fate
Resonance of Fate Review
I'm going to compare this game to final fantasy 13, since I finished that immediately before starting this one.
Resonance of Fate doesn't have as many breaktaking cutscenes or professional voice actors as FF13. It doesn't have as much polish or slick graphics like FF13 either. So how come I rated FF13 as a 3/5 and this as a 5/5? Not that resonance of fate is a perfect game, but I actually had fun playing it.
Resonance of Fate clocked in at around 58 hours, slightly longer than FF13. The main attraction for this game isn't the story or cutscenes or graphics, but the gameplay. The battle system is unique and does have a bit of a learning curve, but once you get used to it, you'll never look back to the "auto-battles" of FF13. Basically you have to select a path for your characters in battle and do "hero actions" while charging up your gun to inflict damage. Also, you can overlap these hero actions with your two other characters to create a "tri-attack." This can be difficult to orchestrate at first, but once you do, you'll be rewarded with a bullet-frenzied assault, tearing your enemies to pieces as your three characters navigate the triangle path you've laid out. Another element to consider is that machineguns inflict "scratch damage" which doesn't do anything until you combine it with handgun "direct damage" to kill your enemies. Handguns don't do much damage, so you have to organize both types of weapons to kill your enemies. Also you can use grenades that inflict status effects and knockbacks. This is the main attraction for resonance of fate: the strategic and jaw-dropping explosive combat.
Another fun element is customizing your guns and characters. You can buy/find/collect-from-missions different parts to enhance your guns' charge rate and magazine count, among other properties. This can lead to pretty bizarre looking weapons once you stack up a ton of barrels, magazines and scopes, but unfortunately the mods don't show up in the battle graphics (maybe in resonance of fate 2 they will?). Also, most of the missions in the game are optional, so you can play this as straightforward or fully as you want. You can even choose when you want to advance to the next story chapter, incase you want to find more items or do more missions first.
The "game world," despite being relatively small, is actually a lot more fun to explore than FF13, because you can do it however and whenever you want. You can uncover items, dungeons, and many optional boss battles to earn items and help trick out your characters. You can also customize their clothing with a wide array of garments to choose from.
The story isn't anything to write home about, and you might be scratching your head about some unanswered questions by the end, but it does the job. Also, the voice acting is decent, not as good as FF13 but it also gets the job done as well.
One great feature is the New Game+, which allows you to carry over your characters, skills, and guns for another play, and unlock a tough dungeon if you get bored. OR you can abandon what you've earned and progress to a higher difficulty, and repeat the process for a greater challenge.
The graphics aren't top-notch like FF13, but they are pretty good. If FF13 is a 10/10, then this would be an 7/10. HOWEVER the animations are actually really good, a lot less wooden and really smooth compared to the jerky "ATB chain" movements of your characters in FF13. Imagine doing a hero jump, your character gliding over the head of your enemy while unloading dual SMGs into them. Or emptying the clip of a .45 into their face as your character takes a rolling dive. Actually this good animation quality of the battles bumps Resonance of Fate up to at least an 8/10 for graphics.
For SEGA fans: SEGA has made a pretty good comeback these last few years... with games like Bayonetta, Yakuza and Valkyria Chronicles and now Resonance of Fate, I'll be keeping my eye on SEGA for their next big hit. They aren't afraid to take a risk, do something different, and make a great game.
In summary, for me, Resonance of Fate delivered what FF13 couldn't: fun. Despite multi-million dollar graphics and years of development, I have little desire to play FF13 again. However Resonance of Fate I'll jump back on as soon as I get the chance. If you want insane combat and customization, this is your game. If you want something new and a little bit different, this is your game. Here's hoping SEGA and Tri-Ace will deliver a sequel to this excellent experience!
Resonance of Fate Feature
- Battle in fantastic cinematic action as your characters wield firearms in a Semi-real time game play system; invincible mode - pull spectacular moves and precision attacks through this special mode designed to chain enemy attacks together
- Unique story Built around a gigantic clock tower like machine, the story will delve deep into fate and the machinery that controls it
- Beautiful environments Masterfully crafted environments pepper this title to illustrate the deep tapestry of this dystopian world
- Customize your characters and give them a unique look within the game and cut-scenes; extensive Weapon customization allows your character to have specialized weapons from parts unlocked or bought throughout the game
Resonance of Fate Overview
Face opponents in fantastic, cinematic gun battles with a fighting system that blends real-time and turn-based gameplay. Built around the gigantic machine city, the story delves deep into fate and the machinery that controls it. Masterfully crafted environments illustrate the deep tapestry of this dystopian world. Customizing your characters and weapons changes your playing experience visually and within the gameplay.
Available at Amazon Check Price Now!
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jul 18, 2010 02:05:24
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Transformers 2: Autobot Skin for the PS3
Transformers 2: Autobot Skin for the PS3 Review
I bought this last month for a new PS3 system that I bought.This item is made of high quality and picture is as shown.Very rich graphics and it does not leave a mark every time i try to adjust the sticker to get a better fit.The only con that I can say is that it goes past my PS3 edges.Not a big thing.I probably pulled this sticker on and off from the console 4-6 times before I got the right fit and close to no bubbles.One warning if you are going to do this.For some reason I felt that the sticker had started to stretch after the 5th adjustment.Not sure but it just felt like it.It does not leave a mark though.I had it on for 3 weeks then decided to return the PS3 console so when I took off the sticker it left NO MARK on my console.Very good product.I am considering another purchase for my next console.
Transformers 2: Autobot Skin for the PS3 Feature
- Gamer Graffix is the most prominent Skin company in the industry
- Gamer Graffix creates high-quality epoxy domed Skins for gaming consoles, laptops, MP3 players, phones and many other diverse consumer products
- Gamer Graffix skins do not void manufacturer's warranties
- Gamer Graffix skins are removable, reusable, and leave no residue behind
- Anything else is just a sticker!!
Transformers 2: Autobot Skin for the PS3 Overview
Gamer Graffix Skins are produced with a patent pending specially formulated proprietary adhesive along with a high-resolution printing and doming process, which creates an amazing eye catching graphic for your gaming console or multimedia unit. The optic clear epoxy dome is flexible, washable, and has a thickness of 35 Mils. The patent pending adhesive and epoxy dome allows the user to remove the skin at will without voiding the manufacturer warranty of their device. ESRB Rating: Not Applicable
Available at Amazon Check Price Now!
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jul 17, 2010 14:00:19
DJ Hero Gorillaz vs. Public Enemy Trailer [HD]
Friday, July 16, 2010
Backup PlayStation 3 Games - Fastest and Easiest Backup Techniques For PS3 Games
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PlayStation 3 comes with a built in hard drive for you to store games. It is objected towards backing up the games on the console itself. But the fact is that the space given is not enough to back the whole game up. Now if you want to backup more than one game, it is out of question. So what is the answer to this problem?
You surely don't want to be on the mercy of just one original copy. You need a bigger space to store those backups. This space is only available in your PC. But another hindrance to this story is that PS3 game discs are copy protected and a computer won't read the disc in the first place. Here, PS3 game copying software programs come into the picture. These software programs are available in hundreds of brands and on hundreds of website. Go on a review searching spree one day and shortlist one program which you would like to own. You can also download a demo to try before you buy.
Once the software program is installed inside your computer, you are two steps away from backing up the game. Just insert the game disc into the computer's disc drive. The PS3 game copying software program will automatically detect the disc and read the whole game. Once it has read the game, it will ask you to insert a blank disc or save the game at a destination. Here you can decide whether you want to save it on your hard drive or make a back up CD of the game.
Yes, it is that simple. Before you know, you already have copies of your favorite game and the purpose is solved. It is a must for all PS3 gamers to know this backup technique. So for all those who used to crib about not getting to backup your games in the console or in the computer, this is a turn around method.
Prince of Persia Two Thrones Playthrough Part 27
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Best PS3 Games
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1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Possibly the greatest shooter game of all time, it continues and concludes the story of Solid Snake, the super-tough soldier and covert operative. It features exciting, real-time shooting action combined with a focus on stealthy maneuvering. Snake manages to defeat his great enemies Liquid Ocelot and Big Boss at long last, and end the world economy dependent on continual warfare. The graphics are possibly the best in any video game to date, and the plotline is the perfect cap to the epic journey of the Metal Gear Solid series. Many game review sites have given it perfect scores, and it is considered the greatest game in the franchise.
2. Fallout 3
The best of Bethesda's dystopian future action RPGs, Fallout 3 takes place in a post-nuclear Washington D.C./Chesapeake Bay area. The main character, who is entirely customizable, leaves the safety of the Vault in which he/she lives to find his/her missing father and escape from the Vault's insane leader. It features all sorts of customizable statistics, like skills and attributes, that allow you to create a character that fits your preferences. It features the V.A.T.S. system that utilizes "bullet time" to let you target the weakest parts of your opponent's body. It also has one of the most creepily cute mascots in gaming, the little smiling man on the Pip-Boy 3000. There is so much to do in this game that you will almost never be able to completely finish it.
3. Killzone 2
The latest in the tactical, third-person shooter, Playstation game series Killzone, it continues directly from the last two games, with the Interplanetary Strategic Alliance sending operatives right into the enemy Helghast home planet to take down its leader, Scholar Visari, to end the war. It has superb graphics for the system and exciting gameplay that will leave you sweating. Admittedly, the plot is not the best that a shooter game has ever had, especially considering such series as Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil. But the gameplay and the online multiplayer is so much fun that you can overlook the storyline deficiencies.
4. Resident Evil 5
The latest game in the Resident Evil series, it features a lot of the new conventions to the series that Resident Evil 4 started, like the over-the-shoulder perspective and the greater emphasis on larger-scale fighting with more kinds of weapons. It also features the return of the original male protagonist of the series, Chris Redfield and the continuation of his feud with the series' central antagonist, the Machiavellian Albert Wesker. It has some of the best graphics on the Playstation 3 and extremely fast-paced gameplay that will constantly keep you on your feet.
5. Street Fighter IV
The latest installment of the seminal fighting game series, Street Fighter, and the newest numbered game in the series since 1999. It continues the series' tradition of fighting on a 2D plane while utilizing 3D graphics. It also features new special attacks in combination with all the old gameplay that people know and love from the last games. It features nineteen returning characters and about half a dozen new ones. Although it does not have very many additional game modes, the gameplay itself is so solid, and there are so many combo options that it is easily another quality entry in this storied series.
PlayStation 3 Bluetooth Headset
PlayStation 3 Bluetooth Headset Review
I ordered this PS3 specific bluetooth headset with some caution since plenty of reviewers have suggested that the sound is not that great and that the earpiece doesn't fit very well. I can address my personal issues with these complaints as well as the general product.
First, as always, amazon shipped it and it arrived at my door 4 days earlier than I had expected. Excellent and fast shipping with no damage done to the product. As you unbox the product, it comes with the small length USB cable, the bluetooth headset, and a cradle to charge and hold it when not using. All of the pieces were there and of good quality. I did have some issues trying to sync the headset originally, however after reading over the manual a little more carefully, I was able to get it working.
As a tip, DO NOT synce this headset using the discovery method because it won't work properly. I tried this first and I was not able to get volume, mic, or any other feature to work. After reading through the manual again, it suggests syncing the headset using the direct sync method. I tried this too, however I tried to sync the headset while it was in the charging station......again, DO NOT sync the headset this way. You need to plug the micro USB cable DIRECTLY into the port on the headset, and then plug it into your PS3, Xbox, whatever and it will flash a red light twice and the sync is then complete.
Once I did this the proper way everything worked great! I can hear every other player online, very clearly without static or other interference issues. As if this isn't obvious, I would suggest turning down the game volume and such while playing because you will get feedback into the mic, which is why you may get a screaching or annoying echo. As for the actual earpiece, it is very large and the rubber gasket/o-ring that comes with it is very bulky. With this being said and as many others have mentioned, if you don't cram the headset into your ear and just let the earloop hold it on and place the earpiece in your ear but not into your ear canal, you should be fine. After about 10 minutes, I forgot that I even had it on! The volume is plenty loud enough to hear and again it sounds crystal clear. It was obviously made for the PS3, but I also synced it with my Blackberry Tour 9630 and it worked fine with that as well.
All in all, this is a great product for any online gaming system since it was specifically made for it. No feedback or excess noise, and the controls are easy to find and work very well. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to get a great quality bluetooth headset that is guaranteed to work with your PS3, and Xbox, but will also double as a bluetooth for your phone. Plenty of people try and go the other route and buy a bluetooth headset made for phones and try to use it with their gaming console. This does work but not always and usually without plenty of gliches. If you buy this product first, and use it as a bluetooth for your phone, you won't be upset because it will always be compatible. Enjoy!
PlayStation 3 Bluetooth Headset Feature
- Bluetooth Headset designed specifically for PlayStation 3
- HQ mode enables "Voice Command" and "Voice Animation" features in compatible games
- Works with most cellphones that support Bluetooth 2.0
- Functions as a desktop microphone
- Compact ergonomic fit stays comfortably on your ear all day
PlayStation 3 Bluetooth Headset Overview
The included charging cradle allows for convenient charging and storage of the headset
PlayStation 3 Bluetooth Headset Specifications
The Official Bluetooth Headset for the PlayStation 3 from Sony will keep you looking stylish whether you are barking orders at your teammates or chatting with your mother on the phone. Thanks to Bluetooth support, the headset will do double-duty, working with both the PS3 and Bluetooth-enabled phones.
The Bluetooth Headset works with both the PS3 and cellphones. View larger. |
The easily accessible mute button comes in handy during gaming. View larger. |
The Official Bluetooth Headset for the PlayStation 3 was designed and optimized specifically for gaming use. This headset offers the highest-quality voice available, thanks to the High-Quality (HQ) mode, which implements various advanced voice technologies and noise-canceling
When docked to the charging stand, the headset doubles as a desktop microphone. View larger. |
Additionally, with HQ-mode enabled, games that support or require "Voice Command" and "Voice Animation" features will work perfectly because of the headset's excellent speech recognition capabilities. Games that support this feature include Tom Clancy's EndWar, SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation, and more.
Pairing the Headset to the PS3 is automatically done when you connect with a USB cable. While connected to the PS3, a simple button push will bring up an indicator on screen that tells you the connection status, battery level, speaker volume, and microphone mute status.
Compact, Comfortable Design
Thanks to its compact, ergonomic design, the headset fits comfortably on either ear for hours of use. Sony smartly put a large mute button that is easily accessible, making it especially friendly to gamers.
Bluetooth Support Lets You Use It
When you're done gaming, you can keep the headset on your ear for use with most Bluetooth-enabled cell phone. It supports the Bluetooth 2.0 standard and is compatible with Bluetooth 1.1 and higher devices.
Charging Stand Included
A charging stand is included with the headset, providing a convenient and handsome way to display it while it is charging. In addition, the headset also works as a desktop microphone when it is plugged in and charging.
The Headset has an operating range of 30 feet.
Available at Amazon Check Price Now!
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jul 15, 2010 00:10:08